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Mark Clayton vs. Randy Moss

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Cincy was brutal vs the pass last year and McNair lit them up twice. Moss has been banged up but I can see the Brady to Moss 50 yard TD in my sleep.


What are your thoughts?

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Normally this would be a no brainer, but with Moss hamstring and Claytons ankle....it's hard to say which could act up during the game.


Personally I like Moss in the season opener. Don't forget Moss is done, finished, bad attitude, best days are behind him and so on......He's got a massive chip on his shoulder and I think he'll come out and light it up tomarrow!!


I really like Clayton this year, but not tomarrow over Moss.


Wooo hoooo it's time to get the show on the road!!

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Tough call...Moss always has that potential to bust a big game out. Mcnair, Palmer? Has shootout written all over it. I see Moss as the safe play you know Brady will get him at least 1 td in the opener even if its a 10 yarder. Clayton has the upside to go big IF the game is a shootout but who knows. I would go Moss



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I was going to say Moss, but I think the Pats are just going to use him as a decoy and the Jets defense is pretty decent. ESPN says Clayton is good to go, and Cincy seems like the weaker defense. Also if Cincy does build up a lead, you should be able to get some decent numbers out of Clayton in garbage time. With the way the Pats spread the ball around, I just like Clayton.

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I don't love either, so I would probably go with an approach depending on the rest of your team. Did you get up early from Thursday, or put yourself in a hole with some Saints? If you need a big week, go Moss. If you're content with 5 for 60, with a chance of a TD, I'd say go Clayton. I have a feeling that Monday night game might turn odd, and be a major grinder on both sides.

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This is a tough matchup. And I've been thinking about it and playing a lot of devils advocate.


1) Moss is the better player. Period.

2) But the Jets D is better than Cici.

3) Clayton is the only reliable passing threat in Baltimore so they will have to pass to him.

4) But Brady is a much better QB.

5) Clayton will do better because the Ravens will have to pass a whole lot to play catchup with the B angels.

6) There are so many threats on the Patriots, they will spread it around so much that Moss might get a few catches, but they'll throw the TDs to someone that won't be double covered.


Theres a lot to think about this matchup as the players, teams, and opponents they are facing couldn't be any different for each other.


In the end I think you have to go with Moss. He wants to prove himself and he is the best player. If you have to get burned, its better to start him and see the young Clayton to good, than to start Clayton and smack yourself when Moss gets 100yds and a 6-pack.


Good luck!

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