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Big Trade Question!

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8 team league so most teams are stacked. I drafted very well, picking up moss, ronnie brown, and others and trading while value was sky high. I have the best team as far as potential goes but some inconsistent play has me in 3rd place. Here's my team:


QB: Palmer, Kitna (Start 1)

RB: Larry Johnson, Edge, Gore, LenDale White (Start 2)

WR: Housh, Steve Smith, Bowe, Engram (Start 2)


On paper i'm stacked, but one owner has Brady, Moss, Welker and he's been killing and another owner has Romo, TO, Chad Johnson and he's ahead too. Here are my two offers that i'm considering, this league is very active and trading is very easy to do as long as deals are fair...


Deal 1:

I send Steve Smith for Brandon Jacobs, Boldin, and Roy williams. I would then try to package a deal for another stud wr


Deal 2:

I send Steve Smith and White for Chad Johnson and Chatman. I know having two wr on same team but both are top 5 in points and will perform more than not.. What do you guys think? I like both but am leaning to deal 2 just b/c of cincy's last 4 games. Thanks and will respond to yours!

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I like BJ and Boldin over the chad deal. Jacobs has been a monster lately and can outproduce James with a good matchup. On the other hand, Chad seems to have a nice sched towards the end..

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