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td parker

Starting DBs who return kicks?

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My league implemented IDPs this year and rewards return yards, i'm hoping to lock down a starting corner that returns kicks but can't lock one down

Hobbs in NE? not confirmed to my knowledge

McGee in Buffalo? Will Leodis McKelvin take role?

PacMan? will he start or return kicks.

Does anyone have any insight?

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Try Allen Rossum. He returns both kicks and punts for SF.



But he doesnt play a lot of DB. The poster is looking for someone who will get all the usual defensive points but ALSO get the kick return yards which in our league is 1 point for every 25 return yards.


McGhee and Hobbs are the two that come to mind for me. If Pac man tackled better he would probably be good but coming from a Titans homer, he went to Deon Sanders school of tackling.

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Thanks, I'm hearing reports McGee and Hobbs won't be returning this year. Hopefully I'm wrong I picked them both up we'll have to see. I wasn't aware of Rossum, but I am looking for a startter on d.

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######, I can't seem to find the link, however, McGee will be returning kicks to start the season. It is his job to lose. He holds all sorts of records in Buffalo in regards to returns.

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That would be sweet, let me know if you find the link. Buffalo drafted Leodis McKelvin who's a nasty return guy too. Than :pointstosky: ks

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"Special teams coordinator Bobby April discussed the primary returners roles,“With the volume of quality production that Terrence and

Roscoe have given us, there's probably not enough there [with McKelvin] to make a change. It's going to be a situation where

Leodis is going to push those guys - and he'll either push them to a higher level or he'll pass them. But they're going to be

hard to pass.”


No link, but this was quoted on another forum.

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No problem, I have been drafting McGhee for years because of the return yards that he gets and would be mad if he wasnt returning kicks. He wouldnt be worth having on a roster if you only relied on him playing DB due to the low amount of tackles most DB's get. With the return yards, he ended up being top 5 IDP last year in our league.

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