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Key Senators are pushing for attaching a tax and other provisions to an upcoming health overhaul bill that would encourage people to pursue more healthy lifestyles.




Baucus, Harkin Push for Wellness Provisions in Health Overhaul

By: Jay Heflin

CongressNow Staff

May 13, 2009 1:27 PM

Key Senators are pushing for attaching a tax and other provisions to an upcoming health overhaul bill that would encourage people to pursue more healthy lifestyles.


Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) have taken the lead in offering the proposals that increasingly seem likely to be in health legislation that is due to be drafted next month.


The White House has also laid out health care reform principles that say a goal of any overhaul should be “wellness and prevention.”


Harkin said he’s considering proposing a new federal tax on salt in the legislation. “We oversalt everything, and that leads to hypertension and high blood pressure,” said Harkin, a senior member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. “So perhaps we need to [tax] that.”


Harkin said discussions about creating a salt tax are taking place among lawmakers, but a final decision has not been made on adding it to the bill.


Aside from creating a salt tax, Harkin supports taxing sodas that contain high levels of sugar. He argues that both tax increases should be used to help pay for an overhaul of the nation’s health care system.


“The only way we can rein in skyrocketing health care costs that are making it so difficult for families to afford coverage, and placing such strain on our whole economy, is to invest in prevention efforts,” Harkin said, explaining that less than 3 percent of all health care spending currently goes toward wellness and prevention.


Baucus released health care policy options this week that would focus more efforts on prevention and wellness. He wants more preventative services for Medicare and Medicaid recipients, state grants for preventative services and tax incentives for workplace wellness.


Baucus said he doubts a salt tax will make its way into the final bill. As for a sugar tax, he said, that was only one of “many options” being considered.

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guess posty beat me to the punch, and I should read the other threads before posting


go chiefs :thumbsup:

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I like it when old lard ass law makers try and force fitness on the masses, when they are in sh!t poor health themselves. Isn't socialism awesome?

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