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Cheatsheets problem

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I added the projections from two other websites into the compiler and am using the average for all 3 sites for to generate cheatsheets. However, on the cheatsheets tab, the WR rankings are messed up. There are empty spaces in between some of the ranked WR players (all other positions are ok). The spaces actually have a 0 under player name, team, bye, etc. When I go to the "WR" tab, everything is sorted and there are no spaces. What can be wrong?


PS. in the "WR" tab, I have both WR's and TE's listed since my league combines the two. I deleted the info from the "TE" tabs"

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Deleted just the names from the TE tab, Tony? That's your answer. You don't need to (and shouldn't) delete anything from the TE tab. There is an option on the setup tab to combine WR/TE, which it sounds like you did check. That is all you needed to do. Let the Compiler combine the two positions.


Did you put TE on the WR tab? How did you do that? Did you insert lines or put them over top of existing WR?


To start fixing it, I suggest running Update Projections to bring back your TE names but next steps depend on what you did with the TE projections you imported.

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