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Gore... Grrrr

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Gore is forcing my hand. I have Ryan Grant, Donald Brown, and Ahmad Bradshaw as potential starters. Im going to have to drop Bradshaw or Donald Brown to pick up Glenn Coffee or Julius Jones to start in place of Gore.


Any thoughts on what is the best strategy here?

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Why not just start Bradshaw and Grant? Bradshaw is a beast and Jacobs didn't run very well despite having a decent stat line Sunday; while Jacobs dances around and pretends like he is 190 pounds, Bradshaw is running hard and is going to take more and more work from Jacobs as things go on.


I wouldn't want to drop any of those guys for Coffee or Jones; Coffee will be a 2-week play at best and Jones isn't as reliable as the other guys. I'm convinced Brown is going to be big in Indy by week 8 and it would be a shame to give him to another team cause Gore dinged up his ankle.


So I'd stay put.

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I would stay put as well. Bradshaw ran really well last week, and he's got good matchups w/ KC and Oakland for the next few weeks. The frustrating thing about Bradshaw is that he'll lose goal line carries, but he could pop off and make 1 run sufficient for a decent fantasy week. I haven't been able to see enough of Brown to give you an educated opinion on what to do about him, though.

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If and I do mean IF you feel the need to drop anyone, it'd have to be Brown. It seems a shame to do so, but if you do, I'd grab Coffee since you already have Gore. For now, I agree with the others, start Grant and Bradshaw.


Thx for mine!

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