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Need one RB

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I need one to fill in admirably if possible this week....


Wells vs SEA

Jones @ ARZ

Green vs JAC


I dont know I guess Jones might be the smartest pick but im just not feeling it..Wells needs a chance but it seems like every week he just does enough to make me keep him.

I got Green and honestly this is where I am leaning right now. Sorry last minute but leave yours and I will help in return

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All 3 are sharing the carries so if you go based off the matchup, Wells should be the guy. If Arizona gets an early lead, look for them to get the running game going.

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Tough one! All D's aren't giving up a ton of yards and stingy on TD's and each RB has their negatives... Safest likely is Jones though he didn't do too well the last time, though part was due to a lot of 3 and outs. Greene might break one or two, but don't like that TJ gets the majority of touches. Was thinking Wells could get more opportunities if they get a quick lead (and seems like Ari has been trying to run a bit more) but still that didn't happen the last time they met. Still should get a few goal line opportunities...


Wow - hard to be decisive on this one... Slight lean towards Jones over Wells but have to say, Wells has more potential... Good luck and thanks for mine!

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