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Draft Pick Calculator

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I can keep up to 3 players and I thought I would keep Fitzgerald and then two of the following 3 RB (Hillis, Blount or De'Angelo Williams). I started looking at the rosters of the other teams in my 12-man league. The Steven Jackson owner is willing to let Steven Jackson go. So, I offered VJax and a my pick in one round for SJax and his pick in the next round (serpentine format). He countered and included a draft pick calculator and offered calculations to support his counter-offer which offers his pick 2 rounds after my pick instead. I can send more info but this explanation is already too wordy!


So, my questions to you fine fantasy fanatics:


1. Is keeping Steven Jackson better than keeping Hillis, Williams or Blount? From what I am reading I tend to like Blount as a keeper because of his potential to be a feature back and not share much.


2. Are draft pick calculators to justify a trade a load of crap?



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I wouldn't keep Steven Jackson if you paid me.


Draft pick calculators are only as good as the math behind them, but I'd guess that they're pretty accurate at projecting the value of a draft pick.

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1. I'd keep Blount. Hillis is due for a timeshare with Hardesty, DWill will have JStew and his health to contend with, Jackson is in decline.



2. If they were very good, there wouldn't be much of a game to be played would there? The whole reason this draws the interest that it does is that too many factors play into how well or how poorly a player does each year and everyone is sure their way of calculating a players worth is more accurate than everybody else's. If a mathmatical model could really reduce this to a numbers game, it wouldn't be fun anymore.


Draft guides and calculators are nice to see where others will likely draft a player. It is then up to you to decide who you think will dramatically out-perform that average draft position and how much earlier you are willing to draft them to make sure they wind up on your team.

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Draft guides and calculators are nice to see where others will likely draft a player.

You don't get it. A pick calculator essentially shows you how to value picks. For example: A 1st round pick is equal to a 2nd round pick, plus a fifth round pick (or something like that). So if you're trading picks, it allows you to try and see what's fair value.

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