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World Series Matchup

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Yeppers, I knew it - I knew we were going to lose Game 7 and the title after blowing it in Game 6. Like I said, you just can't return a WS title back to the Baseball Gods with a note that says, "Thanks, but no thanks" and expect to get another chance. But hey, we've nobody to blame but ourselves and all the credit goes to the Cardinals - they went out and won it.


The sickening part is Texas completely outplayed the Cards in a large part of the series. Much better timely hitting, far superior defensively, and better on the base paths. Unfortunately our pitching melted down and the culmination of walks and inability to close out innings caught up to us. The managers, both had moments of greatness. But both also had incredible moments of stupidity. Looking back, I think this will be the WS that the Cards won in spite of Tony Laru - not bcoz of him.


Congrats birds - you deserved to win. :thumbsup:

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