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McFadden deal...

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I give Fitz and S Jax

I get McFadden and James Jones


My roster is in the sig....it's a dynasty league so McFadden and Fitz (even with the bad yr) are studs....should I offer this?


He wants a wr bad i started with Fitz straight up for McFadden...I'll probably throw in my 1st pick and if he doesn't bite on that I'll then go with S Jax


Our draft is only rookies/fa's - I have my 1st rd pick this yr (Leshoure) coming back for me next yr so I think getting McFadden in this league would be worth the pick...



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I say yes, McFadden gives you a premier RB which you dont actually have right now.


It's tough though since your other WR's are such boom/bust type players in any given week, Fitz is by far your only steady guy. I still take the chance on a top tier RB for the next 5 years, especially in a keeper.

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Fitz and McFadden straight up? Yes. Fitz + S. Jax? That is a lot, I would try to finagle (don't know if I spelled that right) someone else.

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I'd be leery about giving Fitz for Jones. Jones is a #2 WR at best and Fitz could break out at any time. Still, tempting to get McFadden for S-Jax in a dynasty league....does he have a better WR option you could bargain for?

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I'd be leery about giving Fitz for Jones. Jones is a #2 WR at best and Fitz could break out at any time. Still, tempting to get McFadden for S-Jax in a dynasty league....does he have a better WR option you could bargain for?


i agree with this. see if you could get a better wr than jones

thanks for mine

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how about trying to package d jax and like wells/hillis instead? that way you give him a good reciever, potentially good rb and get a great rb. what i'm saying is i'd try fiddling with packages of your non-starters instead to build a better starting squad. depth is overrated, seem my team. yea you could lose someone to injury but if you don't the upside is far more rewarding than if you keep the mediocre depth and let stats rot on your bench.

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I'd be leery about giving Fitz for Jones. Jones is a #2 WR at best and Fitz could break out at any time. Still, tempting to get McFadden for S-Jax in a dynasty league....does he have a better WR option you could bargain for?


I too would think this way.

I also like what saintsthunder had to say.


Either of those comments is what I would try to do.


Good Luck!


Thanks for the reply.

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how about trying to package d jax and like wells/hillis instead? that way you give him a good reciever, potentially good rb and get a great rb. what i'm saying is i'd try fiddling with packages of your non-starters instead to build a better starting squad. depth is overrated, seem my team. yea you could lose someone to injury but if you don't the upside is far more rewarding than if you keep the mediocre depth and let stats rot on your bench.


I agree 100% with this. I always try to dangle decent starters sitting on my bench first.


I dont like giving up Sjax and Fitz for DMC especially with that sprain in his foot.

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If I can work Fitz and maybe my 1st rounder, then ship S Jax off for AJ Green would that work out for me??

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