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Frozenbeernuts last won the day on July 20 2019

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About Frozenbeernuts

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 10/29/1967

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  1. Frozenbeernuts


    Dang nice day Paw. Hedge fund Gotbit announced an investment into Paw otc. The price is running nicely. Lots of larger accounts are talking about Paw.
  2. Frozenbeernuts


    Pawchain has begun their big marketing push. You can see it in the charts today. This is going to go on for a while. Marketing will be happening all year as well. Hopefully this translates to positive price impact, which I believe it will. Pawchain is also sponsoring a female bare knuckle brawler Taylor Starling. She has a ton of followers so this is going to put Paw in front of a lot of eyes. I think the lackluster launch of the Ethereum ETF has the market moving down. Hearing a bitcoin strategic reserve at the bitcoin conference will probably have the impact we have been waiting for, but that's no guarantee. I would think that the top 3 presidential candidates all speaking at the bitcoin conference, yes Harris is now speaking there, would have the market more excited. Oh well. It either goes up a lot like I thought it would, or we have a mini bull run and that's it. I still think all of the news points toward an insane bull run.
  3. I don't want this getting lost in some long thread.
  4. Frozenbeernuts


    Fox news seems to think that Trump is going to announce a bitcoin strategic reserve at the Nashville bitcoin conference. I wonder how the market will react to that? I imagine it's going to jump, but who knows. Short term is up in the air. For the cycle though, it would just add even more fuel to this crypto run. I am loaded up on Mother and Pawcoin. I expect magical things to happen. The big paid marketing push starts this week for Paw. I like $LAB as well.
  5. Frozenbeernuts


    Because they chose Kamala. Mark Cuban said that her team reached out to him about crypto currency. Glad these people are turning to the real experts on crypto.
  6. Frozenbeernuts

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Fake. There are videos showing the bullet Pierce right through his ear.
  7. Frozenbeernuts

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Private Wealth group took out the first short trade of their existance on Truth Social right before assassination attempt. Cell phone data shows someone moving from Crooks house to FBI office. Crooks was in a BlackRock ad. Biden gets covid immediately after failed assassination attempt. Biden bows out of the race without a voice message or isolated video message. Just one giant colossal coincidence.
  8. Frozenbeernuts

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Biden can't even make an isolation video. No phone call to reporters. Nothing. Yet he crafted a document excusing himself from the race. Absolutely zero fckery going on. Totally normal. It's all just one giant coincidence obviously.
  9. Frozenbeernuts

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Joe Biden is so unwell immediately after Trump failed assassination attempt that he quits the race without being seen or heard. Definitely just another coincidence that his health took a nose dive at this moment.
  10. Frozenbeernuts

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    The point is they aren't even trying to hide it really. Which makes me think they are bold enough to make sure the voting machines read blue in November. Do people really think Kamala has any shot against Trump?
  11. Frozenbeernuts

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    http://news.com.au/finance/money/investing/investment-firm-says-massive-short-of-truth-social-stock-before-trump-shooting-was-filed-in-error/news-story/8f9886b3ecf6f1c53d7ad3b73 With all these insane coincidences, this is just another one? Also the shooter appeared in a BlackRock ad. Another coincidence?
  12. Frozenbeernuts

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    If Kamala wins, we know the fix was in. What are the odds they are that bold? They already basically admitted to being in on the assassination.
  13. Frozenbeernuts


    Put 10 sol into Mother when it hit $28 m. Closing in on a triple from that point.
  14. Frozenbeernuts

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Inside job. I have friends who tell me they refuse to believe it could possibly be an inside job. Come on. To think it's impossible is naive. Way too many coincidences lining up.
  15. Frozenbeernuts

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    https://x.com/JakeGagain/status/1814033473218515099?t=xP3eD5F1G1C4GQWOMOCdQQ&s=19 INSANE: Firm With Ties To George Soros & Bush Family Makes Unusual Bet Against Trump’s Truth Social Stock ($DJT) Before Assassination Attempt It has come to light that the company responsible for placing a large and suspicious bet against President Trump’s Truth Social stock ($DJT) the day before an assassination attempt is Austin Private Wealth LLC. The company is primarily owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, which are associated with George Soros. Interestingly, BlackRock, a firm that may have significantly benefited from President Trump’s demise, had featured the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, in a promotional video in 2022. IT GOES DEEPER... In a potentially related incident, Alex Soros posted an Atlantic Magazine cover image featuring a bullet hole in glass, followed by a picture of cash totaling the number 47. Some interpreted this as a veiled threat against President Trump. Austin Private Wealth LLC also has historical connections to the late President George H.W. Bush, who was once a client. His son, President George W. Bush, frequently attended events and participated in the company’s charitable activities. James A. Baker III, a long-time associate of the Bush family, former Secretary of State, and H.W. Bush’s White House Chief of Staff, has served as the company's Senior Policy Director since its founding in 2006. Given that this was the most significant bet ever made by the company, one may find it plausible that Baker had a role in its decision-making.