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AP or Reggie Bush?

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Non-ppr league championship game. Not sure what the world is coming to when this is even a question but Reggie has been on fire and is more importantly healthy while Peterson may still be a risk considering he is still recovering form his ankle sprain and his workload is not certain. Normally I'd roll with AP regardless because he is a stud but Reggie has been a top 5 back the last month. Do I stick with him in a game for all the marbles or do I run our All Day and sink or swim with the guy who brought me to the championship game? My other RB is Foster so playing them both is not an option.


Thanks in advance to all those who reply. Leave a link and I will respond.

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Tough call. AP is supposedly feeling better this week so he should be in line for more carries but I'd still go with Reggie based on the fact that he's healthy and red hot.

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I tend to agree with going with the bush man,he's healthier,been hot and will be involved in the game plan on the ground or in the air! Thanks for responding to mine!

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You would have been laughed in your face if you said this would be a serious question come championship weekend, at the beginning of the season.


This is a tough one, and I think there's no wrong answer. But with AP's injury concerns, and Bush going up against a high school quality defense... I'd gamble with Bush continuing his hot streak.

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Non-ppr league championship game. Not sure what the world is coming to when this is even a question but Reggie has been on fire and is more importantly healthy while Peterson may still be a risk considering he is still recovering form his ankle sprain and his workload is not certain. Normally I'd roll with AP regardless because he is a stud but Reggie has been a top 5 back the last month. Do I stick with him in a game for all the marbles or do I run our All Day and sink or swim with the guy who brought me to the championship game? My other RB is Foster so playing them both is not an option.


Thanks in advance to all those who reply. Leave a link and I will respond.



I can't imagine a scenario where Bush is on your bench. Minn has nothing to play for and they're on the road - likely in crappy weather - and AP isn't 100%.


My dilemmas:


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