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Hedge Bets?

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I am in several leagues and by chance have the same draft pick in each of the three leagues I'm in. So my question is, do people try to draft the same players (if they're there) or do people try to hedge their teams and draft different players so that their year isn't completely wasted with one or two injuries?

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I tend to do a combo of the two. I will draft same players that I feel very confident/high on in the first early rounds. I tend to hedge a little on the mid round picks. IE: Harvin/Decker/Thomas/Brown. Chances of getting same mid round picks are very unlikely to begin with. Usually first round or two are very predictable.


Downside to not hedging is if you screw up or someone gets hurt you could be up the road without a paddle. If all goes well though you could run away with the league.

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I tend to do a combo of the two. I will draft same players that I feel very confident/high on in the first early rounds. I tend to hedge a little on the mid round picks. IE: Harvin/Decker/Thomas/Brown. Chances of getting same mid round picks are very unlikely to begin with. Usually first round or two are very predictable.


Downside to not hedging is if you screw up or someone gets hurt you could be up the road without a paddle. If all goes well though you could run away with the league.



That is my fear, losing Rice to an injury and having no paddle in three leagues.

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That is my fear, losing Rice to an injury and having no paddle in three leagues.


So grab rice in one leauge and McCoy in other...I don't think u can go wrong with either....u might even get lucky and Rodgers gets picked number one and grab Foster :-)

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. If i had a top 3 pick, I would pick the same first round pick every time probably. Any other pick would likely be different based on what everyone else did. Middle rounds I pick for value so it just depends on who falls. Late rounds I would probably pick differently since I have 5-6 late round sleepers and would need different things on different teams. All in all, if the person you are picking is a very safe, consistent pick I would probably pick it the same each time, but if its an high upside but high risk pick, I likely would hedge.

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I agree with Vash, if you have top 3 pick then go for top RB. If you pick later then you should try different scenarios. Middle rounds to late rounds draft is unpredictable therefore you cannot determine which players fall to you, rather be flexible and check out which players drop to you that you did not expect.

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