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Bonus scoring for QB's and RB's

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I am in a league that rewards QBs and RBs for throwing or running over a certain amount. For example, 25 yards per point; 2 points at 300 yards; 2 points at 400 yards; 3 points at 500 yards for a QB and 10 yards per point; 2 points at 100 yards; 1 point at 150 yards; 3 points at 200 yards for a RB.  How do I set up the bonus points?



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Also, what about if an extra point is returned? Can that be scored?  I am sorry if these have been answered before?


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Hi RZKYBZNZ. Returned extra point I think is so rare you don't need to include that in your cheatsheets, it would have very little impact on the rankings.

As for the yards, the 1 per 25 passing and 1 per 10 rushing you can use the regular scoring options. And for 300/100 yard milestones, there are also options for those on the scoring tab.

For the 400/200 milestones, you can put the projections for number of games over 400/200 yards in the custom scoring fields, which are found on each of the position tabs (QB, RB, WR, TE). Scroll to the right to find them, after all of the stats and projections, and before the news and notes. Custom 1, 2, and 3.
You can move down the list and input the projections in Custom 1 (for example). Then, go to the custom scoring tab and input the points for "number of games over 400 yards passing" (Custom 1). Draft Buddy will add that to the projected fantasy points.
Make sure to hit Compile Cheatsheets to update your cheatsheets for this change.

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