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Week 3 way too early NFL power rankings

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You can't do power rankings this early.  We don't know enough to know anything.  All we really know is the 49ers, Dolphins, Eagles, and probably Cowboys are good, and the Broncos, Bears, and Panthers are bad.  I call those anchor teams.  If you can show well against the good teams, you're probably decent, and if you show poorly against the bad teams, I'm probably not going to trust you very much.

Week 4 will tell us a little more.  If the Packers look bad, we know they aren't much.  Dolphins are in a prime let down spot against the Bills.  If the Bills don't look good, that means either Miami is amazing, or the Bills chatter about how they're not good might be true.  If the Bengals can't whip the Titans, I'll know they're fake, and finally, if the Colts continue looking decent against the Rams, that'll be a sign to me that they're legit.

I'm also interested in the Jags/Falcons.  I'm pretty sure I know what the Falcons are, so if the Jags look bad once again against them, I'll know to steer clear of the Jags bandwagon.


Eagles Best talent, best team and are beating quality teams
Dolphins Everyone is going gag over the 70-20 win over the broncos, but they also barely beat the Chargers and were in a tight win against the Patriots
49ers Chugging along.  Injuries seem to be the only thing that will derail them
Chiefs They're obviously figuring out the receiver situation, but I'm confident they'll get it resolved in the next month
Bills Seems en vogue to pick on the Bills after they lost the Jets game, and the jury is still out with them, but they have been beating up on the teams they've been supposed to beat up on otherwise
Cowboys Hiccup against the Cardinals, but I suspect they were reading their press clippings, and I don't think the Cardinals are actually as bad as people think
Browns They have a world class defense and will keep winning unless some the offense starts blowing it
Ravens Injuries are hurting them… especially on the o-line, but for the most part, I think they'll win a lot of games this season
Steelers They are held back by the o-line and Pickett.
Seahawks I don't really trust this team, but they're beating the teams they're supposed to beat.  I've been suspecting a Geno regression
Lions Tough to get a bead on this team.  I think they are one of the last of the good teams
Packers I think this is a good bad team.  They'll beat bad teams all year and lose to good teams
Falcons Solid run game and enough defense to win the NFC south
Colts Better than expected, but a lot will depend on whether Anthony Richardson is legit.  I think Steichen may be the real deal which has me higher on this team than most would be
Rams As long as they can keep the o-line healthy, they're pretty good
Bengals I think the shine is off of this team.  I know they start slow and Burrow is gimpy, but, man, they seem very average.  I suspect they'd be 0-3 if the Rams o-line didn't fall apart
Saints Dennis Allen isn't a good coach and Derek Carr holds onto the ball too long
Patriots I thought the post Brady era was going to be a little better than this.
Commanders Easy schedule so far makes it hard to tell just how bad they are
Cardinals The popular narrative is they are tanking, but that clearly isn't the case
Buccaneers Baker will come back down to earth after some early success
Jets Great defense, but hard to win with a qb who can't throw the ball
Titans Man, this offense sucks
Giants I think these guys were a product of an easy schedule last year, and now teams have a year of tape on Daboll
Raiders Barely beating the lowly Broncos week 1 doesn't really impress me
Chargers Staley costs these guys 4 wins a season.  Looks like he tried to give the Vikings game away.  Maybe the worst defense in the league
Texans Feisty bunch.  Sneaky AFC south contender now that we knw the jags don't want it.
Jaguars Trevor is fake news.  Doug Peterson is fake news.  Underachievers
Vikings Another fake team from last year getting exposed
Panthers Looks like Lovie Smith did the Texans a favor by taking them out of the #1 pick so the Panthers can draft Bryce Young instead of Houston
Broncos This team quit.  They have severe culture issues
Bears Another team with culture issues.  Fields and the Bears would both benefit from a parting of ways

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It just occurred to me that everyone thought the Cardinals were tanking, but maybe the team that's tanking is the Broncos.  :o

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