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About pimptastic69

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 02/23/1974

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  1. That may be true, but a rule is a rule (thinking of the Billy Martin pine tar incident ) Why have the rule if you're not going to enforce it? If NE can use some obscure rule to their advantage, why can't BAL and IND use a common one to theirs?
  2. pimptastic69

    Sales people only allowed

    You could also move to NY or Boston. But, that would probably suck for you. There is a reason that the top sales people live in those types of markets.
  3. pimptastic69

    Rob Bironas - ded

    Speaking of Steve McNair, I'm reminded of this...http://deadspin.com/5366449/steve-mcnair-murder-scene-an-ill-advised-halloween-display I never saw what the big deal was - it'd already been like 2 months at that point. Sheesh.
  4. pimptastic69

    AP is a child abuser

    Forgive me if I missed it..... but why isn't this episode considered an act of domestic violence? Shouldn't AP now be suspended for at least 6 games?
  5. pimptastic69

    Gun Made With 3-D Printer Is Successfully Fired

    It's the Star Trek replicator. "Computah....Tea...Earl Grey...Hot."
  6. pimptastic69

    Breaking Bad: The final episodes

    I'm thinking that Jessie and Walt might still be in cahoots. I kept waiting for Walt to give Jessie the nod to blast both Hank and Gomie, but it never came. And then the reference to the "first place they ever cooked" - it seems to me that back in the day they parked the RV way out in the open desert, not in some enclosed area like where they are now. I just don't recall them ever cooking in an area that ever looked like that area. Maybe "first place they ever cooked" is code for something?
  7. pimptastic69

    Official scoring question

    That would make sense, but where does it say that in the rules?
  8. pimptastic69

    Official scoring question

    According to rule 10.05(e), when a batted ball hits a baserunner, the result is a dead ball, the runner is out and the batter is credited with a base hit. Is the batter still credited with a hit if there are 2 outs with the baserunner becoming the 3rd out?
  9. I've got an Adams hybrid club that developed a small crack on top of the head a few years ago. Every so often this nasty sticky goo would slowly ooze out. It was annoying but that hard to clean up. about a year and a half ago I had shoulder surgery and haven't touched my golf bag until today. A whole bunch of that nasty goo has leaked out all over my bag and onto the other clubs. It's like super glue napalm. The question is what the hell is this crap and what do I use to clean it up?
  10. For the amount of influence these three companies have on peoples' lives, it's amazing to me that that have not been more lawsuits. It doesn't appear to me that any of the three really give a fock whether they are correct or not, yet pretty much any company that deals with finance depends on the information.
  11. pimptastic69

    Use of the lawn chair in wiffleball

    It's a simple focking question. Is the lawn chair a strike or not.
  12. pimptastic69

    Use of the lawn chair in wiffleball

    I've always assumed it was a common practice to use a regular lawn chair as a "catcher" while playing wiffleball, but apparently I'm way off. If the ball hits any part of the chair, it's a strike. If the ball lands in the chair, you're out. Isn't that standard?
  13. pimptastic69

    The Americans

    Within the first 60 minutes of the series, she was seen suckin cack, gettin raped, and going at it in the front seat of a late '70s land yacht.
  14. pimptastic69

    **Official** KSB's Head Tee Ball Coach

    Don't expect any of your mad baseball skills to come into play anytime soon. You might as well consider yourself a short-term daycare provider until you get well into your 3rd or 4th year with the kids. The kids suck, the parents suck, and you'll wonder WTF you just got roped into. Don't get discouraged though. The payoff is huge. The kids become sponges and you'll be amazed at how quickly they turn the corner from barely understanding the game to being an actual team.
  15. "Green Legislation" aka "Show me the money!!!!"