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I just logged in with no problem. Was in earlier this morning for 2 different leagues checking seeding for playoffs (but for superbowl and toilet bowl unfortunately).


Maybe they just don't like you and revokded your access


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I just logged in with no problem. Was in earlier this morning for 2 different leagues checking seeding for playoffs (but for superbowl and toilet bowl unfortunately).


Maybe they just don't like you and revokded your access



Nahh....this is just par for the course....they were down for about 15 minutes....

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Nahh....this is just par for the course....they were down for about 15 minutes....


Well, I gotta hand it to you Mikey… at least you’re not shy about showing everyone on the board just how insignificant you are to this world. I was going to leave this topic alone and chalk it up to you just being “one of those guys.” But since you are what you are… I want to join the party and have replied to your original thread on this topic so you clearly understand how ignorant we all believe you to be. At this point… this clearly extends much further than the RTSports site or fantasy football as whole… it’s all about your status in life.


For those of you who are new to this discussion/topic just click on the link below as I’ve replied on the old thread to give everyone the opportunity to look back and read the clear ignorance and justified backlash.



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Well, I gotta hand it to you Mikey… at least you’re not shy about showing everyone on the board just how insignificant you are to this world. I was going to leave this topic alone and chalk it up to you just being “one of those guys.” But since you are what you are… I want to join the party and have replied to your original thread on this topic so you clearly understand how ignorant we all believe you to be. At this point… this clearly extends much further than the RTSports site or fantasy football as whole… it’s all about your status in life.


For those of you who are new to this discussion/topic just click on the link below as I’ve replied on the old thread to give everyone the opportunity to look back and read the clear ignorance and justified backlash.




:overhead: :wacko: :clap: :clap:


My, My, My.....well congratulations "Champion". I applaud you for the diligence, and strong effort you put forth in the attempt to discredit me. I am also impressed at what great lengths you went through.....very impressive.


It is people like you that give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside. It really is. However, knowing that you are so far out in left field with your assessment, it's almost saddens me that you did this all for nothing.


You see, "Champion", this little world you live in, the "www", the "forums"....they don't really exist in realty. Ahhhh, but look who I am talking to...you know this already...sorry, my mistake.


It's unfortunate for you that this little witch hunt you went on was purely for your own enjoyment. I am curious, in "real life", if those whose opinion differs from yours are often found missing the next day?


Well....I have to give you a huge "E" for effort....you have more time on your hands than I do.....and you care "just a bit too much"...haha


I hope you haven't buried everyone in your life....the holidays are rapidly approaching, and I would hate to think you'll be all alone...but then again, you do have "the forums"...


Thanks for the laugh.....

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Mikie step away from your computer!!!!! Go outside the internet will still be there when you get back i promise. Anyone that knows every second when a website is down needs to take a break from it.

I think everyone knows how you feel about RTS. Please buddy you need a friend and i'm not talking about a new avatar i mean a living breathing human being. I mean come on the Website was down 15 minutes and you actually knew that. I hope the best for you buddy Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


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No need for the applause or congratulations Mikey. As much as I'd like to take the credit for sniffing you out... it was you facilitating the process that made it as simple as it was for me and the rest of the gang. I think most everyone here knows that my post was far from an "attempt" as it was clearly a success to anyone that took the time to read all of your banter. I did what I said I would do... and made you look like the fool you are. I certainly didn't like doing it but when guys like you come in here thinking they are the authority on anything/everything that is ffball... someone has to clue you in... and in this case I did just that.


Going to great lengths wasn't/isn't needed! Have you yet to figure that out? The things I pointed out were just common knowledge to those who spend time in the ffball world and those that use RTSports. After all, with your supposed 18 years of experience... we're all just trying to get our hands around how you still don't understand the issues at hand?


My assessment was solely based on facts (meaning it wasn't an opinion) so checking the facts of my assessment is rather simple. Just answer these simple questions; Does CBS change their stats as RTSports does? What is the default player rankings used on RTSports? Once those two questions are answered... you'll find that my assessment is fact and your statements are just blatantly wrong. If you want to blame RTSports for you not understanding how to use their site... that's you perogative. We're just pointing out that it's a user issue... not a site issue. I think we can now both agree on that.


I couldn't agree more that this "forum" world isn't reality (or realty as you would say... haha)... that's exactly what all of us have been trying to explain to you. Because you lose in life shouldn’t be a reason for you trying to win on this board by throwing around blatantly false information and expecting anyone to believe you… we know better… and we sniff guys like you out with ease.


As far as having more time on my hands… you joined this site a couple of years ago and I see that you’ve posted close to 500 times. I joined 5 years ago and have about 20 posts to my credit…hmmmm… who is it that has all the time again? So damn stupid it’s amazing!


On another note… I hope you were able to spend sometime with your family over the holidays. I’m sure it’s been a while but hopefully that time spent will knock you out of that life-rut you’re in…. haha.


What a joke!! Good riddance.

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I added a "vote" for RTSports as well on the "other" thread...Mikie, you're getting owned again, you should probably stop before your widdle feelings get hurt.

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I added a "vote" for RTSports as well on the "other" thread...Mikie, you're getting owned again, you should probably stop before your widdle feelings get hurt.



Hahahaha.....I find this all absolutely hilarious!!!


Champion...oh man....I can't imagine how fired up you must be....so funny....


I was feeling bad for you last week, prior to Thanksgiving, but now I truly know you are just a spiteful, vindictive, mean-spirited, pathetic, lonely individual.


I'm off for now....have a wonderful night "champion"....LOLOL...


IF YOU ONLY KNEW, SON.....Hahahahaaaaaa



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Hahahaha.....I find this all absolutely hilarious!!!


Champion...oh man....I can't imagine how fired up you must be....so funny....


I was feeling bad for you last week, prior to Thanksgiving, but now I truly know you are just a spiteful, vindictive, mean-spirited, pathetic, lonely individual.


I'm off for now....have a wonderful night "champion"....LOLOL...


IF YOU ONLY KNEW, SON.....Hahahahaaaaaa




go re-read the other thread...and trust me, from a completely objective point of view, you were thoroughly owned...

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go re-read the other thread...and trust me, from a completely objective point of view, you were thoroughly owned...



Naaaaahh..I made my point....really don't care about somebody who self-proclaims himself to be "champion" (wow..how original) decided to go the Nth level to discredit me....discredit? LOL...


It's comical....he proved nothing...hey, I give him credit....but in realty, he's a nobody..a nothing....a simple loser.....and if this place gives him the warm fuzzy feeling inside as a result of his efforts, then God bless him....


I know all about people like him.....he's so transparent.....and surely he will spend another 30 minutes this evening going through my posts, jump on his cyber-soapbox copying/pasting in his attempt for fftoday power....because when you go through the efforts such as him, it's all about some sort of power....and in realty, he has none, so this is where he feels in charge.


Good for him.....everyone should feel good about themselves.....I am sure he's very happy.

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