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Everything posted by MLCKAA


    Would you accept sex for ....

    Not a kickback. um, ZJ? What's that?

    Would you accept sex for ....

    Agreed. Someone penetrates you-- cheating. He penetrates someone-- cheating. That includes oral. Someone puts a vibe against your clitor!s until you orgasm-- debatable. Not cheating if its a woman.

    Would you accept sex for ....

    I think the sex question can be debated since you're married, but its a common practice to accept things from people for work related favors. In my line of work as a claim adjuster, I often receive cash or no-charge home improvement projects from cotnractors. One guy, I send him out to do inspections for me at $125/pop. All he has to do is take a few pictures, type a paragragh about what he saw and provide me an estimate for the repairs. When he invoices me for the inspection fee, he invoices $200. I see him later and he gives me $75 cash. Its a finders fee IMO. He makes $125 for about an hour of his time, often ends up gettign the repair work from the customer and there's really no conflict of interest because I have to pay someone to do these inspections when I can't and the typical charge is $350-500.00 from most outfits who do it.

    Would you accept sex for ....

    You would say your husband cheated if a guy or gal he had hooked up with employment jerked him off? Its so unemotional and straightforward, i just don't see it as cheating. Its like-- handj0b, bottle of scotch, gift certificate, et cetera. Its just non-sexual IMHO. Just the same, no woman other than my wife interests me. There is a certain pixie, though...

    Peter Pan

    want to play a game with me?

    Clifford The Big Red Dog

    This show is totally unrealistic. There's no way that dog could be so big.

    Would you accept sex for ....

    its practically non-sexual...almost like grooming or something.

    Would you accept sex for ....

    would it be cheating if he just took a handj0b or t!tfck?


    I don't remember the details of the food drop episode any more (too long ago) but I do recall there was some kind of incident with the hatch/button that immediately preceded the food drop. I have always assumed there was a connection. Wish I could recall the details of that episode.
  10. MLCKAA

    Peter Pan

    Animated version far superior to JR.
  11. MLCKAA

    Clifford The Big Red Dog

    The two problema that are never addressed are: 1. Leg humping 2. Turds
  12. MLCKAA


  13. MLCKAA

    Would you accept sex for ....

    Since you're married, my answer is no. If you were not married, my answer would be that you'd be a fool not to accept it. No matter how fat, how skinny, how ugly, how weird, how deranged, how desperate-- never turn down anyone who offers to get your rocks off. Except for you, since you're married. I disagree that a BJ is not sex. However, a handj0b or t!tfck is not sex. Whether or not that is adultery is debatable IMHO. Personal decision for you there. I wouldn't let anyone but my wife do those things to me, but I can understand someone claiming an HJ or a TF to not be adultery.
  14. MLCKAA


    Part of what has been enjoyable with this show all along what the unpredictability of the plot. However, that was ruined for me last week when they confirmed in the final scene that Juliette is indeed still an Other. I had told my wife up fron that it was a scam and there was no way she was left behind. If a dolt like myself can see what's coming, the show doesn't have much to offer.
  15. MLCKAA

    Indy Geek Meet Results

    Get a grip.
  16. MLCKAA

    Indy Geek Meet Results

    Its true-- compared with turds, I am at least equal in coolness. Toro seemed like a nice guy and I showed him the Hoosier method of making love to a cantaloupe.
  17. MLCKAA

    anyone been to Melbourne FL

    Nice place. No more red than the rest of FL. I liek the place a lot. Someone said "close to Orlando." Yes, if by "close to" one means 90 minute drive. Instead, let's try "Close to Cocoa Beach." I'd live there for the right job.
  18. MLCKAA

    Need new Rock & Roll

    I gotta get some new rock music to listen to. Any of the numerous rock sub-genres is fine. Please give suggestions.
  19. MLCKAA

    Need new Rock & Roll

    That rocks. Thanks.
  20. MLCKAA

    Need new Rock & Roll

    Thanks for the tips. Downloads of questionable legality are now underway...
  21. MLCKAA

    Need new Rock & Roll

    Ok, sorry. Really, there's no genre I can't sample. I generally don't like hip hop and most of the Nu Metal is usually disappointing. It seems like those bands really can rock hard, but have stupid lyrics and bad vocalists. If only it was all available split track so I could just hear the rock. Anyway, in the CD player in my car right now are: Guster, Nirvana (Bleach), Best of John Denver, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Iron Maiden, and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. I also dig Sufjan Stevens, Ryan Adams, Regina Spektor, The Shins, Spoon, Jenny Lewis, Eisley, Death Cab, Arcade Fire, Calexico, a lot of 90's rock and 80's rock/metal. In the last 2 years I've grown to appreciate 70's rock. Not the cheezy, stupid Cat Stevens crap, but the rock.
  22. MLCKAA

    Need new Rock & Roll

    More recommendations, please! I've already checked out and rejected everything that's been suggested here so far.
  23. So, the answer to a person's obnoxious behavior is to do somethign obnoxious in response? Are you familiar with the term "free country"??
  24. MLCKAA

    What did Imus say?

    I ignore 99% of what is being talked about by the media and I just focus on my local news. What did the guy say about the girls basketball team at Rutgers?
  25. MLCKAA

    Study shows that illegal immigrants

    So, if someone earns less than that $22k, do they owe an immigrant some cash? Does the debt need to be settled in USD or will pesos be acceptable?