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    Ever Been Busted Having Da Sex In Public Or By Family

    No, but once I was running the trail at Southeastway Park and ran right past some dude banging a chick from behind against a tree. Classic.

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Poverty, violence, high crime, gender inequality, government corruption, economic opportunity. These are the reasons that people violate American immigration statutes. If your thoughts on resolving illegal immigration don’t include these factors ahead dealing with climate change, then I don’t believe you’re serious about addressing it and it also shows that you don’t believe there is a humanitarian crisis in Mexico and Central America. I am fine with disagreeing, however.

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    If you disagree with point 1, I want to make sure you noted that I am referring to illegal immigration. Legal and procedurally proper immigration is just fine. Given that local, state and federal budgeting is based on predictable population levels, illegal immigration can only be a drain on domestic resources. If a flight is planned from Sacramento to Albuquerque, the fuel load on the plane isn’t sufficient to make the Sacramento to Nashville flight. Regarding point 2, why would we disagree on causes and solutions? My long-held belief is that if there is a humanitarian crisis behind the flight from Mexico and Central America, the governments there should be held to account for their policies and practices. The mass exodus from there to here is a problem for America and part of the solution should be improving quality of life in those countries. I bet good minds could come up with abundant answers for how to accomplish that.

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    I think you lose credibility with some here (though some of those same people have no credibility of their own to tout) by ignoring the nuance of these issues. The administration deserves scant credit for reduced apprehensions at the border given reduced enforcement coupled with increased vigilance from mexico to prevent would-be crossers from traversing their country. Illegals may commit a low overall rate of violent crime, but well-publicized violent crimes by illegals begs the question of what amount of violence by illegals is acceptable and why wouldn’t we want to take steps to prevent even a low rate. A focus on violent crime by illegals is an unfortunate distraction from the reality that 1) illegal immigration is an unsustainable domestic resource drain and 2) the international community continues to ignore Mexico and Central America’s malpractice in improving quality of life for their citizens.

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    It is true, though, that when Biden took office Harris was said to be tasked with addressing the border problem. Will I search online for links? No, I’m using my memory and it isn’t failing me. Why are people talking about it now? Harris was publicly given the job of dealing with that problem and many people assess that it has worsened. Footnote: as I believe I’ve said to you previously, I appreciate your civility in these threads. You have seen me many times championing for more civility from fellow posters and I am thankful for yours.

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    That last part is really OK.
  7. Ok, I see what you mean. Got it. Thanks.
  8. ALL very well understood and acceptable to me the vast majority of the time. Although rare, there can and should be exceptions. There were several alternatives in the situation on topic and a non-lethal shot was among them.
  9. I wouldn’t know the details of your wife’s experience, but I do know that when water is aerated, such as by propelling a pot of water through the air, even briefly for a short distance, it cools rapidly. Of course, that officer couldn’t have known that. As an aside, does anyone want police threatening that they will “shoot you in the face” as someone here reported that he said to that lady? Even if he didn’t shoot, just saying that should be grounds for termination.
  10. Unfortunately, and I genuinely mean that, there’s no way for that officer to know if the water is really boiling. And he is probably unaware, as most people would be, that the danger to himself from being splashed with boiling water was only superficial epidermal burns. I only know from work trainings. Most people would think “ermergerd, it’s gonna melt me like the wicked witch!” All that said, this is one of the very few scenarios where I will criticize the kill shot. There was line of sight and opportunity to make a non-lethal shot. In addition to many other things that warrant criticism here.
  11. There are many police failures here, but it isn’t murder. But there are MANY failures by those two cops.
  12. MLCKAA

    Time Bandits - Apple+ Series

    Porky’s and Stripes in the theater with the parental units. Way to go, Mom.
  13. MLCKAA

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    What I expect, though not what I want, is that Harris will be the nominee and win the general. It’s preposterous that either party could win with a last minute replacement nominee, but that’s what I expect to happen.
  14. MLCKAA

    Windows outage

  15. MLCKAA

    Terrell Davis air terrorist

    When my daughter was 15 and taking driver education, there was a misunderstanding about her learner’s permit. The instructor explained it to me. I acknowledged my understanding of it. He immediately explained it again. I again acknowledged my understanding of it. He immediately explained it a 3rd time with exactly the same wording. Me: “Yes, I get it.” Him: “ You don’t have to get all aggressive!” Me: “Phag.”