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Everything posted by MLCKAA


    i just used the 'alsonotreally' line

    I hate when people say "...notsomuch." Such a dumb phrase.

    Any Priceline.com users?

    Have you used Priceline before? I am thinking about using them for a hotel rate and I'd like to hear from other people who have used them in the past.

    Friend needs advice

    In lieu of an HR department, she does need to handle certain things herself. As Meph poitned out, she has no claim if she makes no complaint about it. Ex post facto complaints of harrassment don't get too far. My advice is she respectfully tells him to that she feels some of his behavior is inappropriate and gives him examples of said behavior. Registered letter stating this so that there is paper trail documentation of same.
  4. Per the Holy Bible: Neither a borrower nor a lender be. If you have money that someone asks for, give to them and don't expect it back. Never hold another person in debt for money you have available to give to them. That's a lot of cash but, unless your brother borrowed it in order to lend it, I'd say he should forget about it. My mom bailed my uncle out of jail once about 10 yrs ago. The charge was fairly serious and bond was $2k. Now, this was a cash bond, so that means he had to pay part of a debt he had in order to be released. Now, that's a lot less money, but she knew when she laid it out that she'd never see it again. So, she got what she expected, which was no repayment. Its family and so she let it go. I have to reckon that your b-i-l has gotten what he expected from your dad. He probably loaned it to him HOPING to get it back, but not really expecting to.

    Happy Easter! I'm a born again Christian!

    Guess its time to change yer sig~

    Indy Geek Meet

    I'm down with a Geek meet and it could be an Indians game, but need a tad more warning thna what you gave. BTW, welcome to Indiana-- 78 degrees yesterday, 36 degrees today. Do you love it? Love it. E-mail me through FFT and we'll work something out to get a bier or two.

    Poor Paris

    death cab for cutie.

    Indy Geeks!

    my back yard is bigger than Daleville.

    Indy Geeks!

  10. MLCKAA

    Indy Geeks!

    FOCK yeah, i'm down with meeting up for a bier or two. There's an excellent bierhaus very close to your apartment called The Ratskeller. Its about as far from your apartment as it is from my office. My first Geek Meet.
  11. Your argument is invalid until spelled correctly!
  12. MLCKAA

    New car: delivered today

    Took home my 2007 Subaru Forester today. I have always bought the cheapest version of any car. I've never been willing to pay for power windows, door locks, keyless, et cetera. However, this baby is loaded with everything except leather. Power everything including sunroof, heated seats and mirrors, compass, heated wipers (are you serious? Yes, I am), 6 disc changer, 120 watt sound system, et cetera. Far more car than I have ever sprung for. It doesn't feel so bad.
  13. MLCKAA

    New car: delivered today

    i might be a soccer dad one day. whatever steers her away from dance and cheerleading is fine with me.
  14. Sure. There is the Fleshlight, which gets rave reviews from users, though I've never tried one. I hear they are greta. There's also the Sybian, which is mainly known for its machine for women. However, they make a machine for men as well and it looks like it would be a lot of fun. Again, I've never tried one. I believe it would set you back $1k USD. Inflatables can give a really good sensation to your pnis and some are made with a removable silicone vgina so that you don't have to bang the plastic. Removable so you can easily clean it out after you are finished.
  15. MLCKAA

    I want to invest in stocks

    I feel that my knowledge/understanding of the stock market, how it operates and how to participate in it is a 1 on a scale of 1-10. If I had an encyclopedia from the future that told me how stocks were going to perform, I'd have zero idea how to apply that knowledge. What is a good website or book that will educate me on this if I want to do some investing?
  16. I may buy a 2006 Subaru Baja and the 06 model is the final production year. Other than what you might think about this particular car, is there any reason why buying from the final year of production is bad idea?
  17. Turns out there isn't a Baja on a lot in Indiana right now. Just called a dealership and he located on in OH that he can have brought in for me. He told me the price is $24,320. I told him I wanted to pay $22150. He's like, if I can get that car onto this lot can I get a deposit form you today over the phone? I told him "NO, because I may not like what you offer on my trade. I need to price and the trade to be right before I do any business." He goes "Oh." I said "Lookit, I'm serious about getting one of these. If you had one on your lot I'd just come down there. But I don't plan on giving you a deposit of cash over the phone. I'm not even putting money down on this thing. Just see if you're gonna be able to get it and we'll go from there." He'll call me back.
  18. MLCKAA

    The shots for Mom's eyes are $1,000 each

    don't forget the expense pharmaceutical companies incur treating every family physician's office to breakfast and lunch twice a week to bribe them into prescribing Brand X and all the Hawaii golf weekends doctors are taken on at the expense of the drug makers. That's also a reason drugs are so expensive.
  19. MLCKAA


    Kitty Kat thread is closed, but Giants Fan is still allowed to post here? Making good sense...
  20. Not so long ago I read an article about how some of the non-profit groups in MS and LA were seeing a steady flow of people who had been dubbed "Voluntourists" because they were using their vacation time to volunteer on disaster clean-up and community service projects during the day and then doing the touristy things at night. I looked up two groups, Emergency Communities and Hands On New Orleans and there is still a lot of need for volunteers. My wife and I applied (yeah, you have to submit an application) and got approved, so we're heading to Buras, LA for 8 days in May to serve food, sort through donations, demo houses, haul debris, whatever. The thing I find so striking about the post-Katrina situation is that its impossible for me to conceive of any kind of natural disaster occurring here in Indy that would have people, 18 months later, still lining up for meals at a free kitchen or needing to wash their laundry in free laundromats set up in abandoned parking lots. I simply can't imagine the force of nature devastating my home city in the same way and still finding parts of it totally in shambles after 18 months. Parts of some cities in MS and parts of New Orleans have seen literally no clean up, salvage or reconstruction since the storm.
  21. MLCKAA

    The Gulf Coast-- rebuilding

  22. MLCKAA

    The Gulf Coast-- rebuilding

    Oh, I dunno. Maybe its difficult to leave the place your family has lived in for generations or to abandon to land your family has owned for generations. it might also be tough to simply relocate, penniless, to another city and to compete, homeless as you are, with the other low education minimum wage earners who already live there and know the city and its employers. "Hmm. I have no money and no car, no skills or education and my only home is this demolished heap, but I think I'll try to move 250 miles away and start anew from scratch at age 60." I bet lotsa people there are having this thought. Seriously, I get what you're saying, but you're judging these people by a standard that really isn't applicable. You're smart and professional, so you 1) can figure out how to recover from a disaster and 2) can expect that people will want your intellectual job skills. Most of the poor people in the outermost parts of the gulf coast can't say the same for themselves. Something else not really talked about much is that a large % of the gulf coast population worked in fishing or oil or ancillary industries and they won't find a use for their trades elsewhere.
  23. MLCKAA

    The Gulf Coast-- rebuilding

    Ah, the love of the Geek Club! There's definitely some truth in what you're saying, that you'll always find people willing to take a free ride. However, you and the others who are echoing this are largely off target with your remarks. For the most part these are goodhearted people of little means and little education who don't know where to begin. Most of the federal money for clean up went to a single company that has now pulled up roots and left the area. Almost 7M gallons of crude was spilled in Plaquemines Parish during Katrina and Rita. Most necessary services haven't been restored-- meaning that most of the homes there don't have gas or water or phone or sewer service. Due to the neglect of debris and rubble, rodents, cockroaches, fleas, dogs and cats have all gotten out of control. Contractors are in shortage beyond belief so even those who are ready to do something with their land often find that there's no one available to do the work. Still others get ripped off by sheisters. Its also in these little towns where businessmen are ready and willing to open liquor stores but not a grocery store or pharmacy. You can still go through these areas and find cars stacked on top of each other in ditches or alleys and streets still blocked by garbage and cinder blocks. These are the kinds of obstacles that even motivated people can't overcome on their own.
  24. MLCKAA

    Poop Thread

  25. MLCKAA

    Poop Thread

    Mine had an adjustable wrench in it yesterday. I thought "WTF?"