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Everything posted by MLCKAA


    snow storm coming

    Here in Indy this round of snow is missing us, but there's probably a true inch of frozen rain on the streets, sidewalks and driveways. I'm hoping the snow you're getting in WI dies out before hitting MI, since I handle claims in MI, but i know that's gonna take Divine Interference.

    Arlington, TX

    Who's there and can you pick me up? I'll buy a round.

    Arlington, TX

    You Texor bastages. Arlington sure is one boring damnable place.

    The Ethanol Debate

    Some studies say it consumes more energy in production than it produces while other studies refute this. And, yes, Ethanol is a lower octane fuel and therefore gets you fewer miles per gallon. However, in the long run, Ethanol reduces our dependence on a dwindling resource (petroleum) because you need far, far, far less petroleum to produce ethanol than to produe gasoline. IMHO, that's a plus. Also, ethanol is a VERY clean burning fuel. Whether you believe claims about global warming or not, I think its hard to refute that reducing pollution from vehicle emissions is a positive. The other cool thing about ethanol is that it creates an industry in America. Of course, it reduces the American distillation of gasoline, but I think the ethanol production we could see here would exceed and replace our domestic gasoline production. All in all, I'm in favor of ethanol. I think embracing ethanol and legalizing marijuana could propel America to a superpower status we've never before seen.

    How does one go about turning over a new leaf?

    I'll give you a serious reply. I might be the only one here who didn't follow the CurlyNight dies (or whatever) thread. It was too much information for me to keep track of with my feeble mind. I understand that you apparently conned everyone into thinking that you were in a car accident or something. Who cares? Not me. The first thing I'll tell you is that there isn't much advice you can get on this subject. In order to change, you have to truly want it for yourself. Only a genuine desire to change your innerperson and expose your true soul can lead to ultimate change. Having said that, there are a couple bits of advice I'll give. First, accept yourself for having shortcomings. You aren't perfect and never will be, but you don't have to hate yourself for it. Even the most self-righteous person is no better than you in the eyes of God. Second thing to consider is breaking ties with all your current friends. Identify the people who, either through inaction or participation, condone or support your self destructive behavior and make a complete and immediate break from them. This is critical. If you keep associating with people who validate your suicidal lifestyle, then you will backslide every time you try to change. You have to cut them off. Lastly, try praying. Even if you are not a believer, pray anyway. Even if you think you are talking to yourself, people tend to be more honest during prayer and prayer focuses you much like meditation. Remember that a key component of prayer is thanksgiving. The more you talk to God about the blessings in your life, the more you will be motivated to protect them by correcting your dangerous lifestyle. Plus, when you talk honestly to God you are also talking honestly with yourself. For some people, prayer is the only time they're really honest about themselves.

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Anyone want to share their plans? I purchased the latest Norah Jones disc and a box of chocolates for my wife. That's the whole shabang.

    New States in America Forming...

    Jane, you ignorant slut! Dude, the Dakotas are the last place we should give away. South Dakota contains some of the most beautiful landscape in this country. Give them Arkansas or Missouri. Or, give them the midwest. There's an idea. Just throw Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky out there as illegal immigrant safe havens. The US would be better off without the midwest as far as I'm concerned. I live in Indiana

    All the big fat ladies here at work......

    Its called working-in-an-office-with-a-stupid-job-for-an-impersonal-corporation-and-trying-to-make-it-a-little-better-for-everyone-so-stop-being-an-insulting-jerk-and-bring-in-something-for-your-co-workers-every-now-and-then-dude.


    Some of them are sick child molestors. Well, by the law they are all child molestors. However, it seems about 25% of the dudes they catch are like 19-24 yrs old and you can tell they're just immature and so pathetically dumb that they probably don't truly recognize the horror of what they're trying to do. In their minds they aren't that different from a 14 yr old girl and they want to get themselves some tight p*ssy. THOSE guys are the ones you can hope will turn it around. The 35 yr olds who get caught should be removed from society. I would endorse life sentences for those dudes because I believe the BEST use of the judicial system is to REMOVE BAD ELEMENTS FROM SOCIETY, to make it safer for everyone else. I'm not concerned with punishing criminals or "doing justice" for victims. The judicial system should simply and solely be focused on making society safer by removing criminals from the general population.
  10. MLCKAA

    Happy Valentines Day!

    I heart goat blood.
  11. MLCKAA

    Happy Valentines Day!

    That really doesn't sound too bad. Since I'm home all day and she's at work, I'll probably rub two out and ensure that our V Day screwing lasts longer than my usual 18 seconds.
  12. MLCKAA

    Weather closings: my office

    Only goes to show how accurately the weather is reported. Then again, the primary audience for WTHR is Indy and surrounding counties. They reported Columbus, IN with 2" of snow and only mentioned in passing that there was some ice. I'd expect more accuracy given that Columbus is only a 45 minute drive from Indy. Heck, people commute to Indy from there. Regardless one of the 10 largest p & c carriers in the US closed its Indy office today and shut down at noon yesterday. Bananas!
  13. I've been associated with this company since 1999 and for the first time they have closed the office (700 people) due to weather conditions! The bad thing is that now I get to go out there and shovel out the 8" of snow from my 110ft driveway after shoveling 6" of snow out of the driveway yesterday!
  14. MLCKAA

    Weather closings: my office

    Ouch. What do you have there? WTHR is saying that the further south you are the better your situation.
  15. MLCKAA

    Rudy Giuliani

    Is there any chance that Giuliani could get the GOP nomination?
  16. MLCKAA

    I just bought a house

    If its anywhere in Detroit then start the countdown to someone setting it on fire.
  17. MLCKAA

    Rudy Giuliani

    Giuliani has me considering supporting a GOP candiate instead of the Libertarian candidate for the first time since 1992.
  18. I work for a major p & c carrier and I adjust homeowner's claims. Today a claim was filed by an NFL player and one of my co-workers was assigned to handle and adjust it. I will answer the first 20 questions asked by you geeks to see if his identity can be guessed. Go (if interested). shouldn't actually take 20 questions...
  19. When QUESTIONS were asked i answered them. It really isn't my fault that some guys squandered questions. I'll go ahead and give YOU one more question, though.
  20. This is my first 3 pager since I got stalked by some weird guy a few years ago and had to buy a pistol. for 3 pages.
  21. MLCKAA

    Frozen pipes

    What you're saying about the heat in the house makes sense, but you can believe its not real. I've been inundated with frozen pipe claims at work lately. The good thing about this problem is that people tend to be at home when it happens since it most commonly happens at night when temps fall. That helps you to mitigate the damage.
  22. Go back to the original post bizzy bee. I'm no Q. Laz.
  23. That just gave me my best laugh in a couple of days.
  24. Too late now, banana dancer. I would have forsaken my professional ethics and named him if 20Q had led to it, but since no one guessed I'll have to keep the name to myself and cover my @ss just in case. So, this dude filed a HO claim and says that several pieces of jewelry insured for a "stated value" just mysteriously disappeared. It is a tip that when you claim $200k of jewelry to have just walked out of the house all by itself, your claim will be scrutinized a little bit.