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Everything posted by MLCKAA


    Unfit parents

    Either this is a stupid comment or a wisecrack so brilliant that it went right over my head. Either is a reasonable possibility.

    French Open-- Men's Final

    Federer really seemd to come unglued in that second set.

    French Open-- Men's Final

    Yeah, I've never really thought the clay srface made a lot of sense either. Just because in some places people play on surfaces like that doesn't mean professional tourneys should be on it. I mean, I played on some dirt basketball courts as a kid but you don't see the Dirt B-Ball association forming anywhere.
  4. This dude doesn't hold much back. Follow the interview all the way to the end. That's where he really lets loose!!

    For those with kids


    For those with kids

    I always hear people say this, but I disagree. My daughter is a little over 2 now and I lover her so much I can't stand being apart from her. But the time hasn't flown by. I'd say exactly the opposite-- it has been the slowest 2 years of my life. Its all very good, though.
  7. Four meals per week prepared for us and we just reheat. I don't think they are gourmet quality, but the fact that someone else is doing the prep and clean up makes them pretty TASTY to me. Some of the stuff will need to be cooked by me because we asked for items for the grill-- marinated steaks and fish, specialty burgers and that kind of stuff. My wife and I would never be wasteful with money. We crunched the numbers and the cost of this ~should~ be less than we'd spend on dinner-related grocery items on a weekly basis. Just the same, I feel like I've joined the affluent!
  8. Do you mean it was a "rite" of passage? I thought you were an editor!! Anyway, you and TNG are talking about 4 yr old kids. My two year old isn't a whiz in the kitchen just yet. PS-- it looks like there is a tipped over bottle of tequila on the counter!
  9. I dunno. I guess if you're breaking down the price per person it comes to that. Bear in mind these aren't 3 course meals. Its just main entrees.
  10. Uhhhh...not to incur any who-wears-the-pants jokes, but I don't exactly remember and my wife paid the first month, so... We had options that were like $44/wk and $33/wk. I don't know which one we went with. I also love to cook, but evenings are pretty full and the prep and clean up is what sold me on this deal. I'll still cook some since we only get 4 meals per week.
  11. I did most of the cooking, so if she fudged it means she didn't like my cooking! Also, I just found out a wrinkle of the plan-- the meals aren't delivered. We pick them up once a week.
  12. I had trouble believing it myself. I left the numbers up to the wife, though. She's a controller for a manufacturing plant of a gigantic company. If she says she figured it, then she figured it. Besides, when I'm at home or outside of work, I just don't have the gumption to negotiate-- I do too much of it at the office.
  13. MLCKAA

    If you could see your favorite band

    Hum: You'd Prefer An Astronaut Radiohead: Pablo Honey John Denver: Just to see him would be enough-- no specific album Bob Marley: See note about John Denver Toad The Wet Sprocket: Any album. Pick one-- they're all superb Ryan Adams: Stone Roses (my selection for somethign more modern) FYI-- I'm seeing Toad The Wet Sprocket June 15th. They're doing a smattering of reunion shows.
  14. MLCKAA

    NBA Finals

    Miami are completely outmanned against Dallas. The Mavs will take the title with relative ease. Miami can't match the depth of the Dallas bench and miami can''t match the skill of the Dallas starters. Mavs in 5.
  15. $20 buy in. $0.25 chips. I had never played poker or any other card game except Uno. The guys I was with wouldn't teach me to play, but told me the basics and gave me a "hand rankings" list. I got down $20 fast. Bought in another $20. Got down to $5 fast. Then, on the strength of THREE CONSECUTIVE full house hands, I rocketed back up to the top. For the night I ended up losing $1. It is doubtful I will ever play again, but it wasn't as X-gay as I have always thought.
  16. MLCKAA

    Played poker for the first time tonight

    Thanks, man. How's Sallie Mae?
  17. MLCKAA

    Time To Vote!

    It seems like I should be included among the options...Isn't my picture in the GTG archives? (TNG will give me her vote!)
  18. MLCKAA

    Who's hottest?

    Tex knows his tartan tarts.
  19. MLCKAA

    Going to South Dakota!

    I'm spending 10 days hiking in Black Hills NF, Badlands NP and Custer State Park toward the end of June. Anyone been there? Anyone there now/permanently as residents?
  20. MLCKAA

    Going to South Dakota!

    Yeah, weird indeedy.
  21. MLCKAA

    Got Banned!

    Got banned. Asked why. Received no answer. Am now back.
  22. MLCKAA

    Got Banned!

    Are you the one who did it?
  23. MLCKAA

    Young, petite, rich and famous ... would you?

    GFIAFP is a test from God. God is testing me to see if I will stick with my ethics and not tear into GFIAFP for being such a loathesome and deplorable person. I think God has thrown GFIAFP into the world as the most horrible, disgusting, easy-to-hate person around as a reminder to me of how NOT to behave and as an illustration of what is bad.
  24. MLCKAA


  25. MLCKAA

    Florida Geeks: Answer

    Does FL have some kind of "impulse purchase" protection law? I ask because today I got an ad in the mail for Lasik surgery and in the fine print there was a notice to FL residents that they have the right to refuse payment if they get a service within 72 hours of receiving an enticing advertisement. What gives with that?