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Everything posted by MLCKAA


    John Wayne Gacy

    Sufjan Stevens. Nice work, 80s. "Even worse, they were boys With their cars, summer jobs... Oh my Gooooooooooood-- are you one of them?" Eery song.

    I am in love.

    I just taught my girl to say "Awwww, SNAP!" Wife thinks it is ultra-trashy, but hilarious just the same. Let's hope she forgets how to say it as quickly as she learned

    An artist you like who's underrated

    "Been crowded in the wings, but, mostly I don't mind." Sad, though, for you to mention the Stones in the same thought.

    An artist you like who's underrated

    The King of Ragtime? He's not an unknown or underrated.


    This is a cool niche business. Just depends on whether you want to do something all day or just tell somebody else what to do all day.

    My wife: Libido returns!

    Not sure of the number, but the cups is C.

    My wife: Libido returns!

    No, I appreciate the sentiment, but after a couple years of getting it every 2-3 months, I'm not about to complain that every week is insufficient!

    My wife: Libido returns!

    Undoubtedly, I knew something like this would be posted, but you show no creativity. You get no bonus points. Yeah, she has Crohn's. She doesn't have an awful, extreme condition with daily discomfort and diarrhea. She is quite lucky. The lack of sex was never really causing problems for us, thankfully. Just the same, I'm thrilled to know that I'll be getting it on weekly, at worst, from now on.

    Fussy Baby......NEED HELP!

    Have him tested for acid reflux.
  10. MLCKAA

    OMFG! I knew there was some money in the family

    I think you should consider a lifestyle change which involves not constantly telling lies about yourself and your family on an internet chat board. I also think you should admit yourself to a hospital for in-patient psychiatric help and do whatever is necessary (therapy, medicines, et cetera) to salvage the rest of your life from the mire it is currently. You need help.
  11. MLCKAA

    Draft Day: Biggest Steal EVER!?

    I think smith was a 7th rounder. Not positive about that, though.
  12. MLCKAA

    Adult Friend Finder

    I actually thought it would be a decent avenue for women who want to be part time prostitutes. Personally, I'm not interested in what any of them have to offer whether it is free or fee-based. I do know someone who registered an account there, though. That is what drove me to check out the site. Then I had to immediately delete my Internet History so the wife wouldn't think something hinky was going on.
  13. MLCKAA

    Adult Friend Finder

    Pretty sick service...where was this during college/when I was unmarried?
  14. MLCKAA


    Feelin' sorry for you.
  15. MLCKAA


    What you were thinking of feels pretty good, but doesn't do much for the flavor of the chicken and it certainly won't enhance the appetites of your guests.
  16. MLCKAA


    A recent study showed that BBQ was linked with cancer.
  17. MLCKAA

    Adult Friend Finder

    We're doing well. My wife's health has been stable and my daughter just turned two. She's quite a cute girl. What about you?
  18. Sooo...I know we have some tokers on here, or at least we did prior to the big upheaval. I'm wondering if any of you who remain were ever heavy pot smokers who gave it up in the face of addiction and depression. I know a lot of people who've had to let it go to get & keep a job or because they were starting a family or other reasons. Did any of you who have quit due so because you felt like you were hooked? Did anyone here quit because rather than getting high when you'd smoke you got dysphoric?
  19. MLCKAA

    Hey Christians!

    You are smart.
  20. MLCKAA

    Football card collectors

    Any collectors here? If one were to start collecting cards, what brands/manufacturers would be the right ones to buy? Seems like there are 100 different boxes!
  21. MLCKAA

    Football card collectors

    Thanks for the replies. I'm actually liking the idea of cards simply as a way of preserving the history of the league that I love so much in the moment, but which I'll forget as years pass. There are always players who flash for a year or two or maybe even a few years and then fade away just as quickly. I see cards as a way of remembering all that...Brett Perriman...Icky Woods...Eric Metcalf...Bert Emanuel...Bryce Paup...Bobby Hebert...Errict Rhett These kinds of guys.
  22. MLCKAA

    Jungle fever doesn't last forever.

    Word is born. As Salaam alakyum.
  23. MLCKAA

    Obscure celebs ... you wanna ####

    Is that you in the orange pants?
  24. MLCKAA

    Never had a nocturnal emission

    I've read that this is can somehow or another produce the effect you're looking for. Google "prostate massage" and in the top 3 or 4 results you'll get somethign talking about female domination of men and it will certainly get into depriving men of orgams through prostate massage. Its also a good tip[ if you have trouble with involuntary ejaculation. Then again, how many a man wants someone's finger up his @ss?
  25. My daughter turns 2 next week and I have thought that she's a smart kid, but never had any belief that she was "advanced" or anything. Having said that, it freaked me out what she did today. She pointed at the word "INDIANA" on my wife's sweatshirt and spelled it by identifying the letters. Its not as if she spelled it from memory when asked for the word, but to point at a word and identify the letters like that at her age...I was pretty floored. To top off the day she used the potty for the first time ever!