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Everything posted by MLCKAA


    Whites love hummus

    Indeed I do. Great with cucumbers or pretzel chips.

    Recommend a TV Series on Netflix

    Damn good and Keri Russell is one of the rare waifs that I lust after.
  3. You see this tackle performed a lot on sideline plays. I don’t see any way to ban it without delegitimizing the game. Even further.
  4. Geez. Just outlaw the whole stupid game. Disband the league.

    I'm in a pretty good place

  6. Ok, I’ll have to decline but thank you for the invitation.

    Biden should deal with the border issue, but he’ll win anyhow.

    Does this mean that you want people to be able to immigrate here without any restrictions on qualifying, but you want them to wait their turn?
  8. Ah, yeah this is kinda what I’ve believed for a while. Would be awesome to find out that a UFO abducted them!
  9. Can you summarize? I don’t have the time to watch this
  10. MLCKAA

    Biden should deal with the border issue, but he’ll win anyhow.

    It seems like you’re being disingenuous. You favor open borders, but right now it’s a problem. You only consider it a problem because it may prevent Biden’s re-election. But it’ll prevent his re-election because it’s a real problem.
  11. MLCKAA

    Netflix: Leave The World Behind

    Nah, she’s attractive. Big, small, saggy, firm, bouncy, fake. Really aren’t any bad ones.
  12. MLCKAA

    Netflix: Leave The World Behind

    It was that bad. My review wasn’t even based on the stupid ending. As I said, comprehensively bad. Everything about it.
  13. MLCKAA

    2023 Quarterback Cap Hit Rankings

    What’s the number for Levis?
  14. MLCKAA

    The Fall of Minneapolis

    I don’t need to click that link because I saw the full bodycam footage a couple of years ago.
  15. I have no clue what you’re trying to say. Sorry. I read your stuff and can usually suss it out but this band-aid metaphor has me lost.
  16. MLCKAA

    NCAA proposes subdivisions

    Would seemingly bring about the death of college athletics as we know it. I particularly don’t like thinking about how this would affect March Madness.
  17. MLCKAA

    How do you reheat Pizza

  18. Just to be clear, are you actually saying that you personally have real memories from your childhood or teen years of personally hearing boys talk about running a train on a girl?
  19. MLCKAA

    China Virus Part Deux?

    You’re right.
  20. MLCKAA

    China Virus Part Deux?

    No, it was news here before that. I was following news of the spread in December and I believe the first US cases were also December.
  21. MLCKAA

    No topic on George Santos?

    I think the only justification really needed is that the House has the right to remove him.