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posty last won the day on November 6 2022

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    FF Geek

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  1. posty

    Oppenheimer - Latest Christopher Nolan Movie

    Yeah I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but I know that I thought that there would be a lot more about the bomb and Trinity, not after the war with his clearance…
  2. posty

    Oppenheimer - Latest Christopher Nolan Movie

    Just finished watching this…. Took me two days to get through it…. The scenes that dealt with the bombs were cool, but the back story was blah IMO…. Though mostly true back story it felt like the back story of Titanic to me…. Could have cut about half of it in both cases…. It was decent but I am glad I didn’t see this in a theater…
  3. posty

    Biden's cognitive decline.

    I am not a fan of his politics, but I am very excited that he finally decided (probably with family help) to not run in November…. He really needs to enjoy the rest of his time left on this planet and running the country for four more years (if he won) just wouldn’t do it… Hopefully he will be able to enjoy it and not go in to any more decline…
  4. posty

    MLB 2024

    Did it count for two home runs?
  5. posty

    The Country Needs A Distraction From Politics

    I wasn’t watching the game, but I was hoping that South Sudan would win as well…. I always want the men’s team to not win gold…. I know other countries send professionals but I still liked when the US sent their college kids…
  6. posty

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

    Sweet…. I have never been a fan of the events where a judge determines your score….
  7. I have no idea what kind of politician she is but if she does win I am hoping that she is competent enough to run the country…
  8. Starts July 26… Probably won’t watch much, maybe some hoops (not the men) and field hockey…
  9. posty

    Sheila Jackson Lee is Dead

    Rest in peace and thank you for your service…
  10. posty

    Time to pay up Timmy!!! $3,200 to Geeks

    Must be nice to be able to fork out $3200 in bets… Props to @The Real timschochet in paying off debts and not being a welcher or crybaby like others have been in the past…
  11. posty

    My Bank Account Has Been Hacked Again

  12. posty

    ***2024 EdEx Finale - The Open Championship***

    Tiger Woods' major championship season ended with another missed cut in the 152nd Open Championship on Friday, and golf fans won't see him again on the PGA Tour this season. (ESPN)
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/18/media/lou-dobbs-dead/index.html