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Everything posted by kozmiq

  1. And is it your only marriage ? How old were you when you got married ? If you're on your 2nd, 3rd or more, how old when you married then divorced then married again .. etc. Oh and any kids ?
  2. kozmiq


    As Americans, do we ban it ? Or, do we make China sell their interests to Americans ? Or do we do something else ? Or do we do nothing ? And why ? And if you have not a clue, just say so.
  3. Not just a weekend in the drunk tank but some serious time. You can tell me; I won't tell anybody. And since I'm dead to some people, they won't be reading my topic; it'll just be you and me .. and maybe a few others. How about it. Anybody want to fess up ?
  4. I thought I was dead to you. If you're going to follow me around .. and call me names - I'm going to fight back. Now, let it go; you've made your point.
  5. kozmiq


    I see that you are having trouble with Matthew 6:14-15
  6. kozmiq

    Putin vs Biden

    Let's see; uneducated, unaware, believes anything he's told: Nope, that a Trumper.
  7. kozmiq

    Putin vs Biden

    It makes him a COMMUNIST ! He Knows it. You know it. I know it. EVERYBODY knows it !
  8. kozmiq

    Putin vs Biden

  9. kozmiq

    Putin vs Biden

    You know that makes you a communist!
  10. kozmiq


    He says you are going to Hell. How about that mofu !
  11. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    Okay, I get it. I post too much about my crazy life. Probably always have. As far as coming here for serious problems, dude, you've got to be kidding. On a scale of 1 to 10, I couldn't be more / less a 5. There's some really crazy sh!t here. I wasn't looking for sympathy .. you pushed me into posting my personal stuff. I didn't want to. I apologize for misleading. And if you don't believe me, that's fine. I'm not begging you or anybody else to. I know some crazy sh!t crosses my path. Always seem to have. Maybe I exaggerate at times. Do you ? Does anybody ? I just wanted to entertain with my crazy. Seriously, I don't believe you .. or anybody else for that matter. I'd be a fool to. Anybody / everybody would. I just try hard to avoid starting threads about political BS. And what about edjr, there's at least 3 maybe more people posting on that handle. I apologize to you and anybody else that deserves so. And if that's not enough .. so be it. I'm not crying. Nobody should be. I'm not tucking my tail between my legs nor am I deleting my account. I'm moving on. I wish you well .. I harbor no grudge.
  12. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    See the reply to jerryskids re: this topic.
  13. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    Okay, I'm gonna help you out .. although I don't know if I'm talking to jerryskids or Gladiators. But since you're so interested, I'll point you in the right direction. Years ago, there was a young man who was renting a property from my family. A small house that needed updating electrical and plumbing. The kid did it for us and we cut his rent. His name was Cliff and we became friends inasmuch as a renter can be with the landlord. Afterwards, he moved to WVA and we hadn't heard from him until this past week. He was back in NoVA for a funeral and stopped by to see us (me). He said he was performing marriage ceremonies as well as doing some preaching. He said some of the people getting married were pretty strange; one couple were teenagers and another was a man and woman in their eighties. Anyway, I thought I'd start a thread, here about getting married and see what turned up. Me = I wasn't about to add my personal information. Why? Because when I was a poster here many years ago, things got pretty bad. People were finding out personal information about posters and moving it into their real lives. I had a poster find out where I lived and caused some turmoil with my family and even our bank. Also, somebody appeared at an event where my girlfriend was working and drunkenly, verbally attacked her. I hope that wasn't you. Anyway, you pushed the point that it was polite for me to enter my personal information. I wasn't gonna do that so I let Cliff enter his. It was pretty interesting. So THAT was him. Me = I am who I have been here since I returned to this message board. Btw, I am not an alias nor do I have one .. and Siouxsie wasn't either. And neither was Midge (the little person). And we don't own the Kite Loft in Ocean City, MD anymore. Hopefully, you can move on from this exercise. I don't want to leave again and I have no idea how to start an alias. Friends ?
  14. kozmiq

    Liberal parents lock boy inside a dog cage

    Funny, FOX is reporting this. Did they say they were Liberals. Liberals use treat their children with kid gloves. Maybe too much. Now Republicans are hardasses. You can see it right here on this board.
  15. kozmiq

    What WOULDN’T Jesus Do?

    OMG, posty posty posty. This wasn't a spot for that. Jesus on the same side as Trump ! NEVER NEVER NEVER !!! Haven' you read the New Testament's Cleansing Of The Temple. The cleansing of the Temple narrative tells of Jesus expelling the merchants and the money changers from the Temple, and is recounted in all four canonical gospels of the New Testament. The scene is a common motif in Christian art. This WAS NOT the place for your remark. Take it to the Hardass Troubadoor / League of XChampions thread. Seriously.
  16. BIG BIG diference. We aren't getting any Americans killed and ..... well, you just wouldn't understsnd.
  17. How in the World can anybody ever believe Tucker Carlson, again. Seriously.
  18. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    I don't mean to let you guys down but I'm not into numbers and letters when it comes to titties. Oh, I love them but I was breast fed as a baby and I'm more into the pussie.
  19. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    I may be a scumbag BUT the kids needed a mother and she fit the bill perfectly.
  20. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    You know, I had never planned to admit all this .. but now that I've started = the sister that I am currently living with is the first one in the family that I met. She's not the sister 2 years younger than the one I married but 5 years younger. I took her to an Eagles concert even though she was married at that time. So, after her sister (my wife) was killed, it was easier for her and I to hook up, especially since she was getting a divorce from her husband. And yes, we are romantically involved. She had no kids previously and we haven't had any since. She has never admitted it but I don't think she can conceive. I knew her husband and he told people that they divorced because no kids. Wow, this has been cathartic.
  21. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    Yeah, a comic book.
  22. kozmiq

    How long have you been married ?

    Okay, you asked for it. I've held it back here at GC. Waited til mid 30s to get married. She mid 30s with 2 kids (6 & 4). She was killed in car wreck 5 years later (not her fault). Her younger sister (divorced) and I are still raising the boys.