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Everything posted by kozmiq

  1. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    Roses for christsake? I don't know how I feel about this. Yes they're from ( Tina ) the girl I took to the ballgame, who has a boyfriend. I haven't seen her and I haven't returned her phone messages since then. She wasn't at her workplace (Doctors office) yesterday when I made a stop there (for my work). I think I'd feel better if she sent me a dirty greasy carburetor. Have you ever had this happen to you? Gimme some advice. I'm lost here. We have no future dates planned. Yet. And now I'm worried about it.
  2. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    Jubus, if YOU'RE one of those Middleburg chicks, I want to tell everybody I WAS DRUNK THAT NIGHT!!! That is all.
  3. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    Always comes back to that, huh? J/K said in Kramer's voice: Oh, it got up!
  4. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    Jubus! You guys never cease to amaze me. Some days I post something and go do my route and get back to find my thread on page 2 with ZERO replies and 12 views. Four of which are me. Today I'm into page 2 with a half million views. So let me tell you what happened on my Friday partial route at Dr. Moe, Dr. Curly, & Dr. Fine's office where Tina works. When I saw I had a pick up there, I imagined that I'd walk in to applause from the 5 women (no men) who work there. Didn't happen. Walked in. The noise and friendly banter STOPPED. It was QUIET as a churchmouse. I picked up the sample. Signed for it. Asked if NIH was where it was going, where I got a nod from Tina's boss. No words. None. So I left and took one last look to see 5 women (including Tina) staring holes in me. God, they all used to like me. WTF am I supposed to think now. I mean I do want to romp with her again. I just don't want trouble. I had enough of that with Tessa. Why me, Lord? Why me?
  5. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    Look guys I know this girl is trouble. There's no smoking gun but I've been around long enough to smell trouble. That's why I'm purposefully avoiding her (for a few days). Not to excite her into trying to get me. But that's what's happening I think. Not to worry. I've been through this ville before. What no one is mentioning and I'm dodging is that she's young, pretty, funny and damn exciting romping. I could easily fall in love with that (sans large boobs). I've fallen in love before. But then if I see golddigger, I'm history. And no, not a pharma rep. Might as well be a used car seller.
  6. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    Like from a knife?
  7. That's ZimmerMAN. Like BatMAN. Or SuperMAN. Only better.
  8. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    I'm 35. She's 26. That's not that young. (I've been with younger. Much younger.)
  9. kozmiq

    Seriously guys,

    11 nice pink ones and a wilted red one. WTF does that mean?
  10. kozmiq

    My date

    First off, Silverhammer is lying to you guys. I'm sure she thinks it's funny. Haha. As far as the lawyer, he may be a lawyer but he's no writer. When you are telling about an experience, you don't tell at the beginning what happened at the end. Sheesh! Sometimes you guys try to be smarter than you are. Good day, sir. I said good day!
  11. kozmiq

    My date

    God, I hope so!
  12. kozmiq

    My date

  13. With that assumed I will trade a good ticket for a romp. I doubt there's a way it goes beyond that. If she gets the ticket and I don't get the romp (for boyfriend reasons) then I'll just let it go and move on. After killing phillybear, though. I mean obviously.
  14. First let me say that I didn't think anybody would respond to my thread. You all usually don't. I was going to be happy with a morsel if I got that. So let me say that I'm 35 y.o. and never got married. I've lived with 5 different women from 8 months to 2 and a half years. So it's obvious I'm not THAT serious over any woman. That said, I've been watching this one off and on for a few months. She's pretty and witty. That draws me to her. Do I like her? I don't know until we make love. Then I usually see clearer. This is the first I heard of a boyfriend. That's what throws me. Either she's lying or messes around and I damn sure don't want either. But I do want to make love to her. Sorry
  15. Wow. These are really good pieces of advice. All of them. I don't disagree with anyone. Not even the ones that disagree with each other. After I was over my initial anger, I thought the thing I should do is just go out, have fun and sling my money around and be as cool as I can be. Try and make her fall for me or at least talk of some kind of a future. THEN hit her with 'my girlfriend wouldn't like that' or something. Maybe I should just call her and talk it out.
  16. thank you Should I wait until the last minute? on the phone? or when I pick her up? She said she has a boyfriend. Not girlfriend. (I don't roll with 2 guys and a girl)
  17. What can I do to get the upper hand?
  18. Maybe. But she was talking about stopping in Georgetown on the way home.
  19. Anything more than a mouthful is a waste. (not big!)
  20. Last night with an already muddy unplayable field and a light rain falling, the umpire yelled gentlemen we have a 1 hour time limit. It's official after at least 1 full inning. Play ball! And so we did. Both teams agreed because there had been 4 postponed games for each already. Final score was 10 - 7 and we played 4 full innings. We used 9 new balls. And we tore that field up. I'm sure Vienna Parks & Recreation will backcharge us though. Never played an official game like that. Really no more than 4-5 errors each team. Lots of popups for some reason. No over the fensers for sure but lots of high flys. Sure I slid. On offense and defense.
  21. kozmiq

    Softball in the rain & mud.

    Any of you night posters play softball?
  22. Sorry to have missed it but I was out skinny dipping with some hos.
  23. I predict the Mavs will win game 6 on a very controversial call by the refs. Very controversial! Then the Heat will win game 7.
  24. kozmiq

    Who gagged more this weekend?

    He had thrown less than a hundred pitches and only given up 4 singles. And Mariano Riveria had been overworked 2 straight days. Give Ryan Zimmerman the credit here.