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Everything posted by kozmiq

  1. kozmiq

    Thanks FFToday Mike

    He was married to Tammy Wynette. Sang Two Story House. And He Stopped Loving Her Today. Older Country music ain't bad.
  2. kozmiq

    Thanks FFToday Mike

    My apologiy. A solid favor. You know like with Kramer oweing Jerry or George a solid. Leaving the favor part off because they don't intend to actually do a favor. Just to acknowledge oweing one. And Mike was very timely with his terrible swift sword. So what's this list of stuff you'd do for me until you officially removed me? :sad:
  3. kozmiq

    Can't find the Survivor thread.

    I'm so glad. I'm so glad. I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad. (now playing) So I'm remembering the big black girl with big titties' name as SEER-eee Regardless. Have a good one. I'm off ..............
  4. I missed it and last week's too.
  5. kozmiq

    Can't find the Survivor thread.

    Sh!t. It's 3 o'clock. someone's paying attention
  6. kozmiq

    Can't find the Survivor thread.

    Okay. I assume you both are correct. It's no big damn deal, really. A TV show. But we watch it and get into it. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes the TV messes with you. Who knows if there was a tie againe or whatever they want to do. Plus I always get up and go piss or get a drink and miss what you guys saw. I think the preview was just for the 10-15 % who could catch it. And talk about it at the online water cooler, the next day.
  7. kozmiq

    Can't find the Survivor thread.

    Yea yea this is good info. I remember those names. How exactly do you pronounce the big black girl with big titties' name? Thanks!
  8. kozmiq

    Can't find the Survivor thread.

    Yo Strike. I myself see nothing wrong with you posting what you think you saw. I believe that's different that what my coast did. That is wrong unless you add *Spoliers* inside. Just start your post off with whatever makes you comfortable like *possible spoiler* following. Regardless I don't have PM unless you mean with a girlfriend with PMS. Go for it. You want me to insert *possible spoiler* inside on my topic title?
  9. kozmiq

    When do you become a Silverback?

    Errol Fokn Flynn. (I think)
  10. kozmiq

    When do you become a Silverback?

    I am most definitely a silverback but I was kidnapped when I was young by a pack of dogs and raised on another message board. Once I was grown, I came back over. No worries, mate. 'cept for this nagging urge to chase the UPS truck. And pee on bushes.
  11. kozmiq

    Can't find the Survivor thread.

    Jeez, I missed two weeks and it's all lost on me. I don't even remember those names. So it's down to three but we won't know until Sunday. Is that the final episode?
  12. I recently mentioned here that I had a marijuana smoking problem that wasn't actually causing me a problem. It doesn't affect my work. It doesn't hamper me moneywise because Lord knows I got plenty. Several people including torridjoe offered advice to at least slow down. But this is what I've done. I roll 3 regular sized doobies for each day. I smoke one at 9:30 AM and leave a roach. I wait until 3 PM and do another. Again leaving a roach. Then after dinner around 8 PM I smoke the last one leaving a roach. Then at 10 PM I break down the three roaches and fire them up in a bowl. It's been working most of the time. At least there's some structure that I can adhere to. I'm not expecting any attaboys but I am working on it. At least this way, my Lid will last a whole month.
  13. kozmiq

    How I got my marijuana habit

    Oh look. It's 9:30 AM. Sometimes I like to hold off at my appointed times. Just to show this habit who's boss. Uh, be right back.
  14. kozmiq

    How I got my marijuana habit

    I have. Toooooooo addictive.
  15. kozmiq

    Cinco de Mayo **UPDATE**

    Tonight I'm going to some friend's place in Winchester, VA They are having a live Bluegrass band, plenty of beer & smoke, a roasted pig and other fire cooked meats. It's on a 3 1/2 acre tract down a gravel road with lots of parking. They have 15-20 cots in an enlarged garage for people who drink too much and don't want to drive all the way home. Me, I'm hiring a driver. Which is funny because driving is my job. So, any good parties to report?
  16. kozmiq

    Cinco de Mayo **UPDATE**

    Did anybody go to any parties? Do you guys go to parties? I don't hear much. But I don't read much either. The place I went to Friday night was beautiful. Grassy areas for kids to play. Horseshoe pits with lights shining out of trees onto them. Food food food food. And the guys from Dominion mini Brewery out by Redskins Park supplied the freshly made beer. Weed, Tequila and even loose women. And guys. Laid back. Live bluegrass pickers in one area while CDs played in the house and records out by the barn / shop area. 75-80 people tops. Mostly people who have known each others 20 years and more. And fireworks as we were leaving. I wish you could have been there
  17. kozmiq

    Cinco de Mayo **UPDATE**

    Sounds fabulous!
  18. kozmiq

    My cousin is the new Mayor of Herndon, VA

    Btw, Arnie Bragg, do you think Ted Lerner keeps Bowden as GM? Kasten in Tavares out. My claim to fame was once talking to the elder Lerner on the phone. He owned the then undeveloped land where Dulles Town Center now sits. We wanted to hunt deer & turkey there. There were no hunting signs so we found out who owned the land and I called and asked if we could. He said no and hung up. So we hunted there anyway and over several months we got 8-9 deer and one turkey. Maybe a groundhog as well.
  19. I love Neil Young's music. But Neil, the war has been going on for three #(^%@(^ years. My mom said less that 10 days after the Kent State shootings, Ohio was playing on the radio. Next time, hurry up.
  20. kozmiq

    My cousin is the new Mayor of Herndon, VA

    We own two TH in Herndon that we rent out and my family has been living in Great Falls for 5 generations. I'm going to guess with nothing to back me up on this that most of the the 2,600 voters have lived in Herndon or their families have for 20 or more years. Even more. And that 23,000 population is deceiving because way over half of that live outside the town. You know like Fox Mill Estates and portions of Reston and Chantilly. The old Redskins Park was in Chantilly nearly in Loudoun County and it had a Herndon address all that time. Still does as the DC United soccer team practices there. The people IN the town care and care deeply. They are not necessarily anti Latino. But they spoke this time around. They knew what they needed to oust the mavericks. Steven Mitchell a council member AND a builder was ousted and polls showed it coming. The residents who didn't vote didn't feel the need. That may be apathy. I don't know.
  21. kozmiq

    Hogan Knows Best

    I stumbled onto this show last night. It appears to be a knockoff of The Osbournes. But it seemed awfully boring. Awfully boring. Is that it's normal SOP?
  22. kozmiq

    Hogan Knows Best

    Are you a lawyer?
  23. kozmiq

    Hogan Knows Best

    Dude, once it falls off page 1, I'm not hunting for something. Aw Hell, who am I kidding? I don't read other threads much. Especially on page 2! As far as your Uncle ...
  24. kozmiq

    Suzy Kolber

    So my friend, Cliff who drives a limo, took several people to NY this weekend for the NFL Draft. The three others paid his gas and hotel bill and his bar and grill tab. He told me on Saturday at one point, Suzy Kolber came down to the audience and talked with them. Inevitably, someone asked her about her interview with Joe Namath, last year. She replied saying, "Quite frankly, I thought the bastard was going to grab my boobs!" Is it possible she's gay?