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Everything posted by kozmiq

  1. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    There you go; name calling. You're gonna find that's not so funny when you get to the 9th grade.
  2. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    WTF are u talking about ? Never mind; misdirection. I get it.
  3. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    Now it's quadrupling down
  4. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    Kind of like when Trump mispronounces a word .. and the keeps doing it trying to make it look like he meant to do it ...
  5. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    I think that's tripling down.
  6. kozmiq

    Death Pool Update: Tim McCarver at 81...

    No I didn't .. it's right there on top of your head. I'm kidding. You missed that pont.
  7. kozmiq

    Death Pool Update: Tim McCarver at 81...

    Not me .. you (all).
  8. kozmiq

    Death Pool Update: Tim McCarver at 81...

    Half of this board is looking up, trying to find out which political party he's in so they can figure out what to say about him. amirite yes iam
  9. But it's not happening when I'm asleep - it only happens when I'm away from the bedroom during the day.
  10. Yes, and THAT has happened in real life at other places.
  11. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    Good grief, guys .. give it a break. You've all made your points .. the same ones you've made hundreds of time before. I'm just trying to add a little levity to this slapfight. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019) "You're a good friend Cliff." "I try" - Bing video
  12. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    I once went to a street fight .. and a political discussion broke out
  13. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    YOU ! You were there ! Yes, I was supposed to be (fifth) BUT the Law came and I had to zip up, jump out the back window and run.
  14. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    Lol. I was a party once in High School and a gangbang broke out. Someone yelled SECOND and another guy yelled THIRD and then I heard FOURTH & SIXTH. That was so funny that I've never forgotten it. Was that you ? lol
  15. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    This may not be the place for this BUT ... my Mother was Liberal / my Father was Conservative. They never argued (at least not in front of me) but they did have political and life's discussions. My Mother used to say, "you're living too far in the past" and my Dad would reply, " and you're living to far in the future". THAT is what I think Conservatives and Liberals should realize. Again, jmfho.
  16. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    I don't think the Board patrons are predominately Conservative Republicans; I just think they have more aliases .. and have always had.
  17. kozmiq

    Do you guys want real discussion and debate in this forum?

    Sadly, you are trying to bring a 19th century outhouse into a 21st century Water Closet. Just get used to seeing the sh!t of the previous user. Not jmfho.
  18. kozmiq

    Meatball Ron

    For 7 years now we've been hearing Trump give all his competitors and detractors mean, cruel and nasty nicknames. What other politician or anybody in such an important position does this. It's Middle School stuff. And I guess that's why no one retorts with a nasty nickname for him. No one calls him Trumpty or Trumpty Dumpty. But I think it's time when he calls somebody a nasty nickname, they retort with a similar one right back at him. Ron Desantis should call Trump Meathead. And everyone else should use whatever he calls them, a similar one in return. Jmfho.
  19. Brian Cox as Ted Knight; Tony Romo as Bill Murray.
  20. kozmiq

    Caddyshack SUPER BOWL commercial

    He quit wearing that $ 1200 a day rug. Now, shaves his head .. at least the sides.
  21. kozmiq

    Caddyshack SUPER BOWL commercial

    Yes, it was .. unless you're a couple of tight ass, racist (yes racist) mofos who don't understand humor and think Whitey HAS to win everything !
  22. kozmiq

    Caddyshack SUPER BOWL commercial

    Steve Martin was good but brief in his Pepsi spot. Gronk missed the kick although it looked like it squeezed in.
  23. kozmiq

    Caddyshack SUPER BOWL commercial

    Commercials are for peeing .. and I peed on the floor a time or 2 trying to do both.
  24. kozmiq

    Caddyshack SUPER BOWL commercial

    Bill Murray made me laugh the most. He had the best lines. 'I don't think the hard stuff is coming down for a while'.