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Everything posted by KSB2424

  1. KSB2424

    Saudi Golf Tour

    I don't blame anyone for going for the cash grab. It’s hard to turn down hundreds of millions of dollars. With that said: 1. Spare us the company line you were told to say “I’m doing this to grow the game”. “I’m doing this for the kids and future of golf”. Please, just be honest and stop patronizing us. HVIII was the only one yet to just be honest. 2. The product sucks. It’s like Arena League Football to the NFL. Here come the FOUR ACES in their shotgun start and matching uni’s, cue the intro music. WWE stuff. 3. LIV isn’t making money, yet they spend billions. They have unlimited pockets because it’s backed by the Saudi Government. It’s not true competition in the marketplace. At the end of the day it is what it is but it’s ruining golf for me. I have zero interest right now in golf. Whatever.
  2. Gutterboy, aka Ron Artest wants you to think brown skinned, Indian, Vivek is a White Supremacist. These are the games they play. Hilarious.
  3. Knock Knock? Who’s There? The Truth, that’s who. https://x.com/vivekgramaswamy/status/1732605846704554417?s=46&t=r0y3bJ1CDXchoYAztDxmqw
  4. Smart, young but most importantly, and this matters most…. he doesn’t owe a “donor” and we all know who and what that means, one red cent. I live in NC. I’ve never voted in a Primary as it’s always been decided after Iowa, SC, NH etc. I don’t actually have a say in the matter. I respect Vivek for being an outsider (DC) and just calling balls and strikes. It resonates with me.
  5. Gloves off https://x.com/grahamallen_1/status/1732577178271821898?s=46&t=r0y3bJ1CDXchoYAztDxmqw
  6. We’re just getting started buddy. Choo Choo! https://x.com/vivekgramaswamy/status/1732575926599242240?s=46&t=r0y3bJ1CDXchoYAztDxmqw
  7. KSB2424

    Ukraine - Doomsday

    Where is the rest of the free world?
  8. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    This isn’t a free speech issue per se. Maybe the overall question of protesting (no matter for what) on campus is but it’s not the point. It’s simply a question if laws, or in this instance code of conduct rules are meted out EQUALLY. If these leaders were asked If a bunch of hillbillies were on campus, flying confederate flags, yelling “The South Will Rise Again!” and following blacks around, they’d 100% say it is against their code of conduct and would not be tolerated on their campus. Hell, I bet the Confederate flag itself is not allowed. Eradicate the Jews? Meh, they’re not sure.
  9. KSB2424

    How do you reheat Pizza

    Air Fryer
  10. KSB2424

    NCAA proposes subdivisions

    The NIL, The Portal, Kids in colleges who shouldn’t nor really want to be there. To much money. It’s a complete sham. Expand the NBA Developmental League and The NFL needs a Developmental League. Similar to the Minor Leagues in Baseball or Training Academies for Soccer. This is for the H.S. Kids who think and want to make athletics their profession. ETA: and universities can still have sports. They just won’t have the ELITE players out of HS there. There is no NIL or Portal or CFP Committee or all that nonsense. No multi-million dollar coaches. Look, kids don’t go to Army and Navy for football alone. And it’s not always the BEST football but it still has the same pageantry and the stadium is full and the students love it. It’s just NOT semi-pro football.
  11. KSB2424

    NCAA proposes subdivisions

    College Athletics as we used to know it is broken. Just end the facade of semi-pro sports in colleges and create Developmental Leagues for kids who have a possibility of making athletics a career after HS. Europe does this with elite soccer players. Universities can have sports and play other schools but it’s for students who go there for an education.
  12. KSB2424

    FSU got hosed

    I love sports. It is, or was, one of the last entities where nothing else mattered but winning and losing. I played, and now coach. I will die on this hill.
  13. KSB2424

    FSU got hosed

    The whole point of the stupid arse “Committee” was to be a tie breaker and ranker. However like most human beings normally do, they decided their opinions meant….more. Unbelievable. Michigan, Washington and FSU are 1-2-3 based on WINNING AND LOSING. The “Committees job is to rank them 1 thru 3. Now the hard part. Choosing the 4th team (P5 but 1Loss) between Texas, Georgia, Alabama, etc. Thats what common sense, history and logic says. However ESPN owns the CFP game rights. Follow the money.
  14. KSB2424

    FSU got hosed

    Anyone who’s ever played sports or cared about sports who thinks an undefeated Florida State did not EARN a chance to be in the CFP is an IDIOT. I cannot say this more plainly. I’m not even a Noles fan at all but it is complete nonsense.
  15. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Damn dude.
  16. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    I feel like I live in bizzaro world. https://x.com/stoolpresidente/status/1732200557845110791?s=46&t=r0y3bJ1CDXchoYAztDxmqw
  17. KSB2424

    War in Israel

  18. KSB2424

    FSU got hosed

    It doesn’t matter what YOU think will happen. Also players will sit out non playoff bowl games for the draft. Players will enter the portal and leave before non playoff games. This isn’t gymnastics or figure skating where the “eye test” determines winners.
  19. KSB2424

    FSU got hosed

    Committees are meant to help decipher tie breakers. There are 3 P5 UNDEFEATED teams. Now the committee ranks those 3. Done. Now we look at the one loss teams, they rank those next. Opinions on teams based on subjectivity is secondary to wins and losses on the field. This is football. It’s not a beauty pageant.
  20. KSB2424

    FSU got hosed

    Games, wins and losses > Opinions
  21. KSB2424

    NCAA Football

    This is a complete farce and insanity. Things like beauty pageants, figure skating and gymnastics are decided by judges “opinions” of who is best. This is GD football. Games, wins & losses matter MOST. Michigan, Washington and FSU are all Power 5 schools, went UNDEFEATED. That’s on the field results. They should be 1-2-3 no brainer ranked. Duh. Then the last spot has to be argued about between any 1 Loss teams. FOOTBALL IS NOT A BEAUTY PAGEANT. You play to win the game.
  22. KSB2424

    Kansas City Chiefs Fan vs The Woke Mob

    Why is this still a topic? Race Baiters still going after an elementary kid for internet clicks? JFC.
  23. There are people who are convicted of rape and 2nd Degree murder who don’t spend life in prison. At the VERY WORST it was involuntary manslaughter. And that’s at the very worst, taking the autopsy out of it. Derek Chauvin was sacrificed to quell the masses. That’s what happened.
  24. KSB2424

    Kansas City Chiefs Fan vs The Woke Mob

    My thoughts as well. The only thing to argue about is how much money the kids family will win in a lawsuit.