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KSB2424 last won the day on October 11 2023

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About KSB2424

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    FF Geek

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  1. KSB2424

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    Dumbest mutherfocker on the internet. Congrats. Just beat out @IGotWorms
  2. KSB2424

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    Same thing as all the backtracking and whitewashing of Covid lockdowns and nonsense. These people act as if life is a book and they can just go back and edit out what happened. Nah Mutherfockers, we were there too. We lived it too. We saw it all. Don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining.
  3. KSB2424

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    I’m going to say this as lovingly as I can but some of you are dumb mutherfockers. JFC. Keep wearing your surgical mask, dying your hair purple and regurgitating the latest “talking point”. Quite frankly, it’s embarrassing.
  4. KSB2424

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Same people out in public still wearing masks and pushing for mutilating kids. I can’t even post here anymore. Complete lunacy. Trump literally broke these people.
  5. KSB2424

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Yall are some weird mutherfockers. Off the charts.
  6. KSB2424

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Google ‘gaslighting’ then stare in the mirror. I’d wager a weeks pay you have an “aha” moment.
  7. KSB2424

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Let’s stop “A threat to Democracy!&@$!” by just winging it as we go because our party of degenerates can’t get their shiot together.
  8. KSB2424

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Correct. Verified. Validated.
  9. KSB2424

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Anyone surprised by this is a stone cold idiot.
  10. KSB2424

    June 27 Presidential debate

    Tonight was the biggest “duh” moment ever. Anyone surprised is a stone cold idiot.
  11. KSB2424

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    I’m out
  12. Local kid, I played golf with him a couple times at our club years ago before he was on Tour when he was a H.S. Phenom. It was suicide. Surprising but not shocking; he’s been dealing with anxiety and depression since his college days. RIP