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Everything posted by KSB2424

  1. KSB2424

    January 6th

    Government should be transparent, and they were not with the January 6th tapes. That’s a problem. Period. It’s similar to all things Covid. They told us only what they wanted us to know at the time. So the masses would comply. We, the people, can handle the full truths and have the ability to use all of that information to form our own conclusions. But Big Government thinks they know better than you. Not cool and only builds distrust.
  2. KSB2424

    Red or White

    Red Pizza and Puzzy.
  3. KSB2424

    Carpel Tunnel Surgery

    It has to be horrible pain to go under a knife. Sorry to hear.
  4. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Mike, you’re a good dude. Sit this one out, it’s not even close.
  5. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Mess with the Bull, you get the Horns. This was an easy one to decipher. The mouth breathers can’t help themselves though.
  6. KSB2424

    California Is A SHIZZHOLE

    It is weird. I can’t find one video of this massive homeless cleanup. Where did they all go?
  7. 80 years of liberalism & socialism has all but ruined that once wealthy country. Over 120% inflation. The people woke up and demanded change.
  8. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Probably correct. Let them roll on this topic, in two weeks they’ll run away like kryptonite. Sometimes it’s better to just let them post and dig deeper. Hilarious.
  9. KSB2424

    RIP Rosalyn Carter

    This. Rosalynn, by all accounts, was a sweet person who lived a full life. Fantastic southern belle name btw. Rest in Peace.
  10. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    You should go on a mission trip and change their hearts and minds.
  11. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    This guy ended with “make your case!” as if The Geek Club is a court of law. Dude, news flash. You’re just being persuaded by the headline of the day. Like a moth to a flame. Zero respect for some of you. I feel like I’m watching my middle school kids play cards.
  12. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    This thread is going to be hilarious to read back two weeks from now.
  13. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Fascinating retort.
  14. KSB2424

    January 6th

    So they hid most video but only showed some video to paint the picture they wanted. Doing that alone seems shady. I’m not surprised.
  15. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Tim Cook went to dinner with Xi Jingpin when he was in SF.
  16. KSB2424

    Anybody Else Sick ?

    There is a lot of funk going around my area and schools. It went through my household last week. Maybe Flu, maybe Covid, maybe just a regular old virus. We never went and got tested, just took some ibuprofen and some cough drops and somehow all made it out alive.
  17. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Yes, cherry picked hit piece based on ONE reply in a longer discussion. Works beautifully on the resident mouth breathers.
  18. KSB2424

    Tennessee City Has Banned Being Gay In Public

    The thread title itself makes no sense. You can’t ban a person for being gay. This thread is dumb.
  19. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    They don’t care about the full content or context of a discussion. They’ll cherry pick ONE reply and then put blinders on. Just like humans do to race horses so they only do exactly what they want.
  20. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Pro-Tip: public figures who are extremely open like Elon Musk will have hit pieces made about them. I Whenever you read a HEADLINE that goes against most everything they’ve done or said historically your critical thinking skills should tell you to ask yourself “That seems odd, I bet there’s more to the story?”. Or, “What’s the context here?”. Itsatip
  21. KSB2424

    Elon Musk - Anti Semite

    Elon Musk correctly goes after the ADL which is a complete farce of an organization. Just google what their definition of the word ‘Racism’ is. The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges White people Yes you read that correctly. Then the liberal lobotomy bots in the media grasp at straws for a hit piece and reach reach reach to Musk is an anti-Semite because some Uber progressive Jews are part of the ADL. Now the dummies here saw this ridiculous headline and post it here.
  22. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    This uk person reminds me of the kids I see on TV marching for Palestine. Just saying words they’ve heard about this issue, but with no real substance. Ignorant yet very confident. Probably a teenager.
  23. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Yup, there isn’t another choice. There is no middle ground. It’s been building up but October 7th was the final straw. Hamas has to go. Period. I’d be nice if the peaceful Palestinians could rise up afterwards, take ownership of the government and start the rebuild / recovery. Gaza could be a beautiful place, it’s adjacent to the sea. But most have been radicalized since birth, they won’t live beside Jews and they’ll spend any money on more rockets and tunnels. They’ll let a new radical Islamic Terrorist organization in and in 20 years we’ll do this all over again. But make no mistake where the finger should be pointed nor any false equivalency. Hamas is guilty of both what happened to Israel AND what’s happening in Gaza now. Them.
  24. KSB2424

    Antisemites riot for DNC

    The Compare / Contrast is amazing. http://x.com/aghamilton29/status/1724972587061592547?s=46&t=r0y3bJ1CDXchoYAztDxmqw