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Everything posted by KSB2424

  1. KSB2424

    Tennessee City Has Banned Being Gay In Public

    This is very similar to the “banning books!” nonsense. Nobody is banning books, the adults are simply taking out or not allowing the books with porn in them to be in the Elementary School Library. JFC
  2. KSB2424

    Tennessee City Has Banned Being Gay In Public

    Sorry guys, no more nudity and dildos thrown around in the town parade. You’ll just have to wear clothes and fly a flag like normal people now.
  3. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Apparently the kids you see throwing rocks at cars for Palestine are now big Osama Bin Laden fans. He’s trending in the news.
  4. KSB2424

    No topic on George Santos?

    I thought this turd was gone already.
  5. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Breathtaking analysis here.
  6. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Is this supposed to be an enlightening post? This is written like a 12 year old.
  7. KSB2424

    Tennessee City Has Banned Being Gay In Public

    Exactly. They made a law against public nudity and lewdness. “Why do you hate gheys!@$&!”
  8. KSB2424

    Tennessee City Has Banned Being Gay In Public

    The title doesn’t pass the smell test. I’m going to go ahead and guess some ordinance about sucking cack in public was issued and the media made the headline like yours.
  9. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    B.S. those are ancillary topics.
  10. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    What middle ground do you think Hamas would permanently accept? I’m all ears Einstein.
  11. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Worms is all over the place. Pretty sure he has ADHD.
  12. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Hamas committed atrocities in October 7th knowing / wanting a retaliation would come. They threaten and keep against their will citizens in Gaza from leaving. Instead of building a prosperous state which has beautiful coast lines, they build rockets and underground tunnels the kind of the NYC subway system would be proud. It’s a proven fact they store themselves and munitions with and below schools and hospitals. Stop with the “both” sides fence riding. There are people who just want to live in peace and then there are Radical Islamic Terrorists (Hamas) who’s only goal is to eradicate every Jew alive, and then when that’s done, they come for the West. Some of you are clowns. Y’all think this is like Russia vs Ukraine and just another war over land. Idiots.
  13. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Completely spot on. I can’t believe the sheer lunacy I’m seeing here in America and even on this here board in regards to this issue. Unbelievable stuff.
  14. KSB2424

    Antisemites riot for DNC

    But did you see it with your own eyes? If not it never happened.
  15. KSB2424

    Antisemites riot for DNC

    This. It’s the next new thing. Idiots.
  16. MDC once again making excuses for the criminals. Dude sides with BLM, Antifa, Hamas and now murderers.
  17. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    There is a statistically significant portion of people who think Israel “let” Hamas in, made up the whole October 7th stuff just to give them a reason to retaliate. Sandy Hook stuff. These people are retarded and ignorant. Terrible combination.
  18. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    Wake me up when Hamas releases the 200+ Hostages. Until then GFY.
  19. KSB2424

    I turned....

    It’s the late 40’s plus strange Covid years. I feel 60 with diarrhoea and the humor of a 18 year old.
  20. KSB2424

    War in Israel

    It’s just the next new thing. Let’s RAGE!
  21. Damn, I admit it. I was fooled. Its obviously gutterboy or rusty pimpadoosh
  22. This thread has been cross pollenated
  23. 1. He ONLY cleaned it up for Xi Jingpin . Not for SF citizens who live there? Slap in the face. 2. Have you seen the video of all the China flags he put out on the sides of San Francisco streets on the car route for Xi? 3. Again, I’m 100% for meeting with all world leaders face to face and being cordial and hospitable. But we don’t have to bow down and be all lovey dovey. Xi came here and Alpha’d it. Gross.
  24. Look, if Mr. Pelosi died, or has brain damage or anything of the like 99% of people wouldn’t still be joking. Luckily he’s fine. The crazy guy is charged. Settle down Nancy.
  25. None of this explains why Mr. Pelosi had a full boner when he opened the door for the police.