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Everything posted by KSB2424

  1. KSB2424

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    I’m out
  2. Local kid, I played golf with him a couple times at our club years ago before he was on Tour when he was a H.S. Phenom. It was suicide. Surprising but not shocking; he’s been dealing with anxiety and depression since his college days. RIP
  3. KSB2424

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Here’s the full text for people who haven’t listened or read it. He never said women shouldn’t have a career, in fact the opposite. What he said, using his wife as an example, is that being a married homemaker is okay too and can bring you much joy (his wife tells him this). That raising children is rewarding. I know, I know. :clutches pearls: https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine The whole speech is centered around the church. Which makes sense because he was invited there. To a Catholic school. He didn’t start going off saying this at the NFL draft or after a game. That would be ridiculous.
  4. KSB2424

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    While y’all were arguing Tyreek Hill had his 10th baby by his 10th baby mama and 5 other NFL guys just beat the shiot out of their girlfriends. But let’s run this guy out of the league.
  5. KSB2424

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Can you please provide the quote where he said “belong in a kitchen”? It’s clear most of you haven’t actually listened to his speech but are regurgitating fake news headlines.
  6. KSB2424

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    A catholic is invited to a catholic school and talks about traditional catholic values. I don’t get the outrage.
  7. KSB2424

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Actually no. Rogan does 3 hours of just talking. You were fed a 30 second sound bite and then run on to social media or places like this and regurgitate it. The gig is up.
  8. KSB2424

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Tucker, similar to Joe Rogan and others like them simply ask logical questions. However we live in such a Bizzaro world they are deemed the odd balls. Insanity
  9. Geek Club 4 Life
  10. Please check in here if you either A.) refuse to join that other new fangled bored that shall remain nameless, or B.) have been banned/not invited/left. This is the check in thread. All great societies need an accurate census to plan for the future. 1. KSB2424 2. NorthernVike 3. drobeski 4. cyclone24 5. phillybear * 6. Herbivore 7. porkbutt 8. Flahawker 9. The Moz 10 .Little Rusty 11. devin952 12. Geezil 13. corky 14. kutulu 15. Q.T.
  11. I’ve only watched Stranger Things and Breaking Bad. I don’t watch TV all that much but Gah, there’s no sports right now. Talk to me Geek Club!
  12. Which Geek has drafted the best 'All Time Greatest Toys' team? TBBOM LEGO's Easy Bake Oven Play Doh BB Gun Remote Control Car Trading Cards edjr GI Joe's Star Wars Action Figures Rubik's Cube Furby Etch-A-Sketch Trivial Pursuit KSB Barbie Transformers Yo-Yo NERF Balls Evil Knievel Stunt Cycle Teddy Bear Bunny Hot Wheels Slip-N-Slide Chess Super Ball Water Balloons Bubbles (Kit) Cruzer Monopoly Atari Mr. Potato Head Hula Hoop Radio Flyer Red Wagon View Master TommyG Erector Set Magic 8 Ball Hackey Sack Spirograph The Paper Airplane Mud Pies Sux Big Wheel Skateboard Frisbee Tonka Trucks Lincoln Logs Tinker Toys tantastic He-Man Super Soaker Nintendo Slinky Power Wheels Fireworks Pole ends Friday Sept. 29th at Midnight est.
  13. Who drafted the best "All Time Greatest Video Games" team? ZeroTolerance Super Mario Bros. Street Fighter Mega Man Chrono Trigger Counter Strike NHL (94) Sonic The Hedgehog Batman - Arkham Asylum Tommy G Call of Duty Resident Evil Metal Gear Solid Dig Dug Tron Maniac Mansion Missle Command Crash Bandicoot TBBOM World of Warcraft Civilization Mortal Combat Castlevania Sim City Wolfstein Starcraft Myst Sux Doom Donkey Kong Space Invaders Contra Pitfall Gauntlet Wizardry Quake Reality Legend of Zelda Final Fantasy Diablo Command and Conquer The Elder Scrolls FIFA Star Wars - KOTOR Ultima Online NorthernVike Grand Theft Auto Mario Kart Asteroids Defender Tempest Joust Moon Patrol Duck Hunt KSB Tecmo Bowl Mike Tysons Punch Out! Metroid Galaga The Oregon Trail BioShock Centipede Guitar Hero MTSKibum Fallout Halo Pong Grand Turismo Tropico Disgaea Mass Effect Baldurs Gate Herbivore Pac-Man Goldeneye 007 NBA Jam Tony Hawk Pro Skater Robotron Uncharted Baseball Stars Downhill Domination 5 Points Red Dead Redemption Minecraft Pole Position Medal of Honor Blades of Steel Zaxxon Ghost Recon Tapper edjr Half Life Tetris Portal Battlefield Monkey Island The Last of Us Rygar Guild Wars Bunny Madden NFL Tiger Woods PGA Tour Big Buck Hunter Track & Field Spy Hunter Elevator Action Kaboom Xevious
  14. KSB2424

    Trans Kids

    I just saw a commercial on television to protect "Trans Kids". 1. A "kid" is a young person yet to go through PUBERTY. 2. Puberty is when HORMONES travel through the body and a person changes physically and mentally. 3. You cannot be OFFICIALLY Trans until you finish Puberty. I do not understand this push.
  15. KSB2424

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    I have literally never heard of her except she seems to be on the news 24/7 the past week, trending on twitter and is now the face of the GOP. At least that is what the main stream news media is telling everyone. Is this not the most manufactured, media driven story you've ever seen? She's a nobody but the media desperately wants her to be "somebody". Apparently now that Trump is out of office the MSM needs a new boogeyman.
  16. KSB2424

    Tomorrow Is National Pi Day

    Chicken Pot Pi for dinner Apple Pi (with vanilla ice cream) for dessert. Hair Pi for late night snack
  17. KSB2424

    V.P. Aaron Rodgers

    Hindsight, Aaron was right on Covid Vax, as was Djokovic, but they were publicly shamed. Neil Young pulled all his songs from Spotify because Joe Rogan wouldn’t get a Covid vaccine and spoke about it. Well ole Neil is back now on it, now that the CDC pretty much says Covid is like the Flu. Ergo, some of y’all hate people who simply don’t fall in line with what you are “told” to do. And it upsets you so you act out like a child.
  18. KSB2424

    Trans Kids

    Hopefully the tide is turning. The whole premise of this thread was pre pubescent kids cannot make those decisions. It’s not only common sense but biology.
  19. 1. 5 foot 5 old guy 2. Completely shameless. Will unabashedly make an azz of himself for political reasons. 3. Looks eerily like him. Uncanny. 4. Hates women, because he was turned down most all of his young life. 5. Kid toucher. Unlike 99.9% of famous folks, George aka Gutter went to dinner with Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was charged.
  20. KSB2424

    George Stephanopoulos is Gutterboy.

    Close your eyes. Now imagine being 58 years old and taking the time to decide on which color blue and font you want to bold a 12 year olds response.
  21. KSB2424

    George Stephanopoulos is Gutterboy.

    I find this cute. Short weird guys sticking up for other short weird guys. So sweet.
  22. KSB2424

    Geriatric Joe’s State of Union Address

    I’m just calling balls and strikes. If it offends you that’s your problem.
  23. KSB2424

    Geriatric Joe’s State of Union Address

    In real life most hardcore liberal men I know are divorced, horrible fathers. They think going to the movies with their kids on their every other weekend is “parenting”. Most all conservative men I know are married, involved, coached tee ball and help with homework….Dads. The wives respect it, and are more then likely attractive. I don’t make the rules, just report what I see.