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Old School

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Everything posted by Old School

  1. Old School

    Tommy Gavin Booze Thread

    Did it get deletorated???
  2. Old School

    Watching Die Hard for the first time

    Yippie ki yay
  3. Old School

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    Neil Young’s van Down by the river
  4. Old School

    Happy 4th! Independence Day!

    HAF out here. 93 with 55% humidity = “feels like 105” We are under a heat advisory. I’m on the deck enjoying a beer. Ribs & veggies are on the grill
  5. Old School

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    Mississippi Slim
  6. Old School

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    Bad Bad Leroy Brown
  7. Old School

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    BTO? REO Speedwagon
  8. Old School

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    Tina Turner’s legs
  9. Old School

    Who Is Setting Off Fireworks Today ?

    We’ve had rain off and on for the past three days. Grass is pretty green. Fireworks are legal in this county. My neighbors seem to enjoy blowing $hit up. I’ve got about $50 worth of fireworks So yeah, I’ll be out there with a lawn chair and a cocktail.
  10. Old School

    Who Wins In A Fight, Le'Veon Bell V's Adrian Peterson ?

    Celebrity Death Match?
  11. Old School

    Is there a non profit you're a big fan of?

    Second Harvest Food Bank. I’ve yet to hear anything bad about this organization. They really seem to have their $hit together. It’s not a soup kitchen, more like a WH with a couple distribution centers providing food to those who need help. I try to volunteer a few times a year, sorting and packing donations. And, I try to organize an annual day getting my friends together to work 4 hours in the WH to sort & pack donations. It’s not hard, it’s more rewarding than difficult. When they show you the area they use on Thursday evenings, for their “backpack program” it’s kind of heart breaking. During the school year, Second Harvest puts together healthy snacks in a large plastic bag kinda deal. These are distributed to the schools and teachers actually slip these into the backpacks of at risk students- those who rely on school lunch programs and are at risk over the weekend of not receiving healthy meals. Yeah. Rats ass.
  12. Old School

    Death Pool Update Sonny Barger

    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjA5vOl0NX4AhWqDEQIHXKpB4wQFnoECBcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fobituaries%2F2022%2F06%2F30%2Fsonny-barger-hells-angels-dead%2F&usg=AOvVaw30lGnie4w0k-pyTpcYxOLw I grew up in the East Bay. The Angels were something else. There were always rules to follow- like “don’t looke them in the eye.”
  13. Old School

    Rudy Guiliani Attacked

    Stop it Wiff. It is NOT ok to strike a 78 yo. I don’t give a Fock who they are. It is NOT ok. WTF is wrong with people?!?!!?
  14. Old School

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    George Benson On Broadway