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Everything posted by snatchit

  1. I picked up Miller off waivers last week, I don't have enough room on my bench to carry 2 TE's, Kind of screwed being forced into carrying 2 QB's already. Have Romo and Picked up Rivers a few weeks back, cant really dump any of those guys. I need room for as many RB's as I can hold, they are dropping like flys. Finleys concussion must have been a bad one, then there is the toe, may have to dump him and keep Miller
  2. snatchit

    Blount really muddied the water last night

    Bolden is way moore talented than Blount, he justr got hurt.. I wonder if Goodsen is a better stash than Bolden ?
  3. snatchit

    Blount really muddied the water last night

    wasn't patting myself on the back... said he was worth a stash
  4. snatchit

    Week 5 DEF

    I sure was glad I dropped NE D and picked up INDYS... Was just going with NE all year but now it looks like I will be getting the flavors of the week. Ya Clev maybe a sneaky play. I watched my Green get shut out yesterday, that killed me
  5. RB's dropping like flies and under performing, didn't listen to that BS and went WR, WR.... plenty of 3 rd to 5th round backs getting it done
  6. snatchit

    Week 4 Streaming Defenses

    i am 1 and 2 playing an 3 and 0 too... I dumped the PATS for INDY this week, I am a bit nervous about the PATS upcoming games too. I may steam D's from here on out based on match ups
  7. He has had over 7 yrds per carry the last 2 weeks
  8. snatchit

    Waiver WR Scoop and Play (Week 4)

    i would say Dobson and Moss
  9. I have 4 starting RB's and I need a good WR... that's why. BTW I stole Gore late 4th, none of that matters
  10. snatchit

    Flynn throwing in OAK

    The question would be who did Fynn like when he played with them last ?
  11. man spiller and bush are so explosive but counting on them every week is tough
  12. Hmmm, I was wondering if I shop him what I could get in return
  13. We raised our point system for kickers and I was stoked to get him... He has completely sucked, I guess the same as the rest of them. Gonna give him one more week. He was owned in 98% of CBS Sportline
  14. Ya one thing about him is he is a shoe in for 80 yrds and a TD just about every game. Not much of a home run hitter. I have Murray, Gore, DMAC, Ridley, Bolden and Hunter and need to trade one for a WR. I know there is little interest in Ridley out there but I think once Gronk gets back things will be better for him, Bolden will be good in ppr like Vareen was. I think Murray and DMAC are my home run hitters and for some reason want to hang on to them. After this week assuming Ridley and Bolden shows well... who would you trade ?
  15. snatchit

    Flynn throwing in OAK

    do you think it will be bad for DMAC or better ?
  16. Ya I was thinking that, but being ppr there is a good chance DMAC catches 5 or 6 balls, maybe gets 100 yrds total and a score. That's 21 points, actually Gore got me 19 points on the Bench... If DMAC could get me 15 I could live with that. Everyone has been moving the ball against WASH. Your right on Gore though, if they were smart they would go back to running a lot
  17. It was a toss up, I knew about Gore bitching for the ball and they were going to feed him also Murray gashing them the week before... My only reservation was he showed up on the injury report with a knee issue and it being a short week on the road. DMAC on the other hand gets the crappy WASH D flying across the country. Will DMAC come through make me not feel like such a dumb ass ?
  18. Does that move Gore ahead of him this week in ppr ? Or will it not matter and may help DMAC ?
  19. WASH D really sucks but I wonder if there is a difference in DMACs production with Pryor out. Gore on the other hand was clicking at 7.5 ypc till they stopped giving him the ball. Bitching at his coach, just makes me think they will feed him... who would you go with ppr ?
  20. I knew he was going to have a good game, just hope DMAC can do the same
  21. Pettis looks like the WR to own on the Rams
  22. snatchit

    Ryan Broyles train-- all aboard!

    ya I like broyles a lot... I had the 5th ww and he was my 1st waiver choice, didn't think I would get him. S.Holmes, Ginn and Avery went before him... I was stoked !
  23. snatchit

    Uhhhgg, I benched Gore for DMAC

    Do you know how bad WASH D is ? Flying across the country. DMAC rushed for what 150 yrds and 35 in receiving against the Colts and you saw how they stopped Gore. Last week was against DEN in DEN. Gore had some knee issues, short week. I know all about him bitching and that they were going to feed him..... lets face it they both have juicy match ups, it was a toss up for me. Why do you guys act like this was completely stupid when in every expert rankings this week have DMAC ranked well ahead of Gore. Anyways I am glad to see my Gore finally get it going
  24. snatchit

    Uhhhgg, I benched Gore for DMAC

    I mean SD is weak