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The Real timschochet

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Everything posted by The Real timschochet

  1. The Real timschochet

    torridjoe is not torridjoe

    I don’t even understand this response. When did I ever bring up government funding? What does that have to do with it? FWIW I’m not in favor of government funding of abortion in most cases. But it’s irrelevant to the topic.
  2. The Real timschochet

    its good to see the FBG refugees owning the tards here.

    He got himself banned.
  3. The Real timschochet

    its good to see the FBG refugees owning the tards here.

    His cousin was a much greater reason for FBG ending than I was.
  4. The Real timschochet

    torridjoe is not torridjoe

    Is there something wrong with calling a Jew hater a POS? I thought it was a given.
  5. The Real timschochet

    torridjoe is not torridjoe

    Let’s suppose it’s discovered that a baby has hydrocephalus and will be born brain dead. It is further determined that because of the enlarged head, giving birth will put the pregnant woman at risk of ever having further children. Under such circumstances would you be OK with a late term abortion?
  6. The Real timschochet

    Biden to announce drastic border action on Tuesday

    This is an improvement on your earlier wish that one of my daughters would be raped by an undocumented immigrant. So I guess I thank you for that.
  7. The Real timschochet

    Biden to announce drastic border action on Tuesday

    Like the tariffs on China, Biden is doing this as a political move, to play into the ugly populist, nativist, xenophobic mood currently overtaking the country. I hate it. It’s so short sided, it’s giving into fear based on ignorance. And it won’t make anything better for us.
  8. Michael Cohen’s wife and children get their addresses and phone numbers posted online: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155268
  9. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    You have to give an address. They check the address against a book. So you need to have the name AND address, and then they cross it off. Fraud is extremely unlikely.
  10. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    First off I was referring to 2016 because you brought it up. That WAS an upset, and it doesnt mean the polls were wrong. Polls are a snapshot, the numbers moved. This time around I could see Trump winning easily. I could see a dogfight. I could also see Biden winning easily. All are possible outcomes.
  11. The Real timschochet

    Should Donald Trump go to prison?

    No let’s not. All of you guys are such cynics. Let’s be clear: 1. Trump is an anomaly. He’s a really corrupt dude. In American history there’s been only a tiny handful of politicians who have reached his level of corruption. Biden isn’t close to being one of them. Not suggesting Biden is pristine (I’ve no idea) but he’s nowhere near to the Trump level. Biden doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near prison (but Bob Menendez does.) 2. Most politicians, on both sides, are not corrupt. Most of them are ambitious, selfish and power hungry but that’s not the same thing. They generally do want to serve those who voted them into office. I believe this. 3. This constant “throw the bums out” mentality is terrible for this country. It defeats all long term planning and creates chaos. If somebody really commits a crime then sure get rid of them. But we don’t need to get rid of most of them.
  12. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Upsets can always happen. But the reason they’re called upsets is because they’re unlikely.
  13. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Your statement as a general rule is correct. And Trump is still the favorite as I write this. But not a heavy favorite and the odds have tightened: https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/06/03/trumps-betting-odds-to-win-election-take-hit-after-conviction/
  14. The Real timschochet

    RIP Larry Allen

    Maybe the best offensive lineman of all time. Why do so many of these guys die so young?
  15. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    A good summary of the polls this weekend: https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/maddow/blog/rcna155152 None of them are good for Trump. The assumption, made by many conservatives, that the conviction would help Trump appears to be false…at least so far. Also false is the assumption, made by many people (including me) that this would make no difference.
  16. The Real timschochet

    Should Donald Trump go to prison?

    Not for this. Maybe for the other stuff, And maybe a few days in jail for contempt of court.
  17. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    I think that there are still a lot of people not paying attention to the extent that they realize: “hey wait a minute. We don’t like Biden but if we don’t vote for him we get Trump. So we better vote for Biden.” That’s what I meant by realizing it’s a binary choice. Biden will win if enough people think this way. You’re free to disagree.
  18. The Real timschochet

    Claudia Sheinbaum, new President of Mexico

    Well hopefully we won’t.
  19. The Real timschochet

    Claudia Sheinbaum, new President of Mexico

    Eventually. I have a few other trips planned first. But the Mexican Riviera is gorgeous.
  20. Here’s the analogy I would use: suppose you learned that one of the referees for the NBA finals is a lifelong Dallas fan. That wouldn’t make him ineligible, unable to do his job. He’s a professional. Now, if he places a bet down on Dallas before the game then we have a big problem.
  21. Yeah that makes him an a-hole for sure. But the more important part is that he wasn’t flying the flag in connection with Jan 6, so far as we know. So he’s a right winger and wants Trump to win? We already knew that. It doesn’t mean that he can’t judge fairly anymore than Merchan contributing to Biden’s campaign doesn’t mean he can’t judge fairly. Personal convictions shouldn’t come into it. If there is an actual connection to the case in question (as there apparently is with Thomas) that’s differentx
  22. He wrote a letter: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/05/29/samuel-alito-letter-recusal-rejection/ A lot of folks didn’t like it but I think it was OK.
  23. Now Trump is claiming he never said “lock her up” about Hillary. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/02/politics/fact-check-trump-false-claim-lock-up-hillary-clinton “It was the crowds, not me!” Throwing his fans under the bus.
  24. The Real timschochet

    Happy Pride Month

    Adele stands up to bigotry: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/02/entertainment/adele-response-pride-month-heckler/index.html
  25. I will offer my input: 1. I don’t think Merchan needed to recuse himself. The donation he offered was minor but even if it’s larger I’m not sure that’s a big deal. Donating to Biden, being a liberal Democrat, is meaningless. Maybe if he worked for the Biden campaign. But all he did was donate. What his daughter did is irrelevant. 2. I don’t think that Alito needs to recuse himself from anything. I found his explanation of the flags reasonable. For now. If something new comes up I could change my mind but I don’t agree with those who think he should recuse. 3. Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from anything having to do with January 6 because his wife was, apparently, directly involved. This is not like the other two examples above, if your wife is involved in a case you shouldn’t be making decisions about it, IMO. Fair enough?