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The Real timschochet

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Everything posted by The Real timschochet

  1. The Real timschochet

    Key Largo

    No “Amen thanks”?
  2. And yet violent crime is at a 50 year low: https://www.tampabay.com/news/2024/06/08/is-violent-crime-near-50-year-low-fact-check/#:~:text=The violent crime rate today,1974 (shown in red).
  3. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    I believe a strong debate performance by Biden in a few weeks could give him a decisive edge.
  4. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    All sorts of good news for Biden in latest polls: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-polls-2024-joe-biden-1910443 1. Leading Trump in battleground states for the first time in months. 2. Leading Trump nationally for the first time in nearly a year (and most importantly among likely voters) 3. “Who do you trust more on the economy?” A few weeks ago Trump led this question by 11 points. Now he leads by only 3 points.
  5. The Real timschochet

    Trump to eliminate taxes on tips

    25% is a reach. I don’t think it’s close to that.
  6. The Real timschochet

    Jan 6, 2021

    They should be jailed and fined as appropriate. Why are you always looking for the gotcha double standard? Most of us try to be consistent.
  7. Thomas Friedman on Trump’s idiocy: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/06/08/thomas_friedman_trump_did_stupidest_thing_thats_been_done_in_post-cold_war_foreign_policy_by_ending_iran_nuclear_deal.html Worst foreign policy President in modern history, and he’s running against one of the best. Do we really want this disaster again??
  8. The Real timschochet

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    I am certainly the opposite of anyone smart enough to get into MIT.
  9. The Real timschochet

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    If anomalies were produced on a regular basis they wouldn’t be anomalies. The fact is that the the two party system has served us well for most of American history. I think it will again but we have to get past this current dreadful populist stage.
  10. I don’t agree. And I prefer people who when they find they’re wrong change their mind.
  11. Anyhow fracking isn’t a long term solution (we need to stop having anything to do with fossil fuels eventually) but if we can find a safe way to use it for now we should.
  12. Not every member of my “team” is against fracking. Biden for one has wisely changed his mind about it: https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/biden-administration-backs-offshore-fracking-in-california-2022-08-31/ Perhaps you’re the idiot for making that assumption.
  13. The Real timschochet

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    I have to disagree with you here with regard to Trump: while Biden may have been a product of our two party system, Trump isn’t. He is outside the system, an anomaly, the product of populism. The GOP would have preferred an establishment type candidate like Rubio in 2016 or Haley in 2024. But the base chose Trump.
  14. The Real timschochet

    Trump to Probation, Hunter to the Stand?

    Hunter will not take the stand per CNN.
  15. Sounds like great news to me. But of course fracking concerns me as well. Maybe we can find a safer way to do it?
  16. The Real timschochet

    Hoax Poll 2

    A good summary: https://climate.ec.europa.eu/climate-change/consequences-climate-change_en
  17. The Real timschochet

    Hoax Poll

    This is true except it’s not the far right anymore it’s just “the right”, period. The guy that leads their party spews a new conspiracy theory nearly every day and Republicans swallow it like Jim Jones Koolaid. There is NO equivalent whatsoever on the Democratic side. None.
  18. The Real timschochet

    EU Parlimentary Elections and a Surprise out Macron's France

    So much wrong with this: 1. the Democratic Party has never selected a socialist as President. We’ve never selected a non-centrist. 2. The Democratic Party doesn’t support Hamas or Antifa or rioting or violence. We never have. 3. Trump was stopped by guardrails, they won’t be there this time. I could go on but what’s the point? You’re going to believe what you want to believe, same with the public. I try to be an optimist but this is all damn depressing. I look at the polls and I’m told that I should be in good spirits because Biden has closed the gap. Closed the gap? In a sane world Biden would be 30 points ahead. But we’re not in a sane world.
  19. The Real timschochet

    EU Parlimentary Elections and a Surprise out Macron's France

    Dude I agree with you about this. I have liberal friends who called George W Bush a dictator. They called John McCain and Mitt Romney Nazis and racists. It always appalled me; I told them they had no idea who real dictators, Nazis, or racists were. It was really foolish and yes it was the boy crying wolf. But now here we are, and we’ve got some real wolves out there: Trump, Orban, and LePen worst of all. And someone like you who can’t tell the difference between liberals and Communists think it’s all OK. There were folks like you in Germany too, who were so scared of Communism that they figured it was OK ri support the fascists. It didn’t save them. It won’t save you either. (Hopefully liberals will.)
  20. The Real timschochet

    EU Parlimentary Elections and a Surprise out Macron's France

    Vichy France returns!
  21. The Real timschochet

    EU Parlimentary Elections and a Surprise out Macron's France

    Yeah LePen is real normal. Can’t believe you guys are cheering this on. We live in some scary times for sure.
  22. The Real timschochet

    War in Israel

    If I understood you correctly you wrote that you don’t mind if Palestinian children are killed.
  23. The Real timschochet

    Hoax Poll 2

    I do. How soon I can’t tell you. But yeah we’re going to have to. And we will.
  24. The Real timschochet

    War in Israel

    So you got nothing. Big surprise.
  25. The Real timschochet

    War in Israel

    Palestinian children are not responsible for the actions of Hamas.