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The Real timschochet

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Everything posted by The Real timschochet

  1. The Real timschochet

    War in Israel

    There is an easy answer to your question. Because gay people have been treated unjustly so often in our society, they react strongly when others are treated unjustly. It doesn’t matter that Palestinians in general are homophobic. Gays don’t treat every issue as “what’s in it for them” and you’re acting ignorant when you assume that they do. The Palestinian people (not Hamas) have been treated badly (by Israel AND Hamas) and good for gays and anyone else who take note of it.
  2. The Real timschochet

    War in Israel

    Please link to when I have ever apologized for Hamas in any way or ever defended them or even said anything pleasant about them. And if you can’t, I’d like you to apologize.
  3. The Real timschochet

    War in Israel

    Benny Gantz resigns from Israeli cabinet: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/09/middleeast/benny-gantz-resignation-post-war-plan-gaza-intl-latam/index.html He resigned because Netanyahu has no plans for success, no idea what to do next, no clue how to end the war. Joe Biden knows how to do all of these things but Netanyahu will not listen. Benjamin Netanyahu is LBJ in 1968. Gaza is his Vietnam.
  4. The Real timschochet

    Hoax Poll 2

    The answers to my questions have been unsurprising but still depressing to me. At least half of this nation (mainly the conservative half) is engaged in delusion. The differences between us are no longer limited to ideology. All too many of you simply believe in things that just aren’t true.
  5. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Fair enough.
  6. The Real timschochet

    Hoax Poll 2

    More pertinent hoax questions to our current situation: 1. Do you believe Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election? 2. Do you believe man-made climate change is real, seriously threatens humanity, and that our future survival demands we move away from fossil fuels? 3. Do you believe Covid 19 killed millions of people and that this was halted by the widespread availability of vaccines? 4. Do you believe that the recent felony conviction of Donald Trump was planned and orchestrated by the federal government? 5. Do you believe that Joe Biden is mentally infirm and that the decisions he make as President are guided by those around him?
  7. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Biden inching closer in Florida: https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article289090944.html I know, it’s a long shot but if Biden could somehow win Florida it would be an early night. There is an abortion bill on the ballot there that could swing it…
  8. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    You seem like a reasonable guy compared to some on this issue. But it’s frustrating that I can’t get through to you on two basic points: 1. The economic benefits of undocumented immigrants far outweigh the economic costs. 2. Even putting aside all humane factors: The cost of rounding up and deporting millions of people would overwhelm our resources and would be a greater burden on our society than any costs created by undocumented immigrants My first point is debatable. I believe that it’s absolutely 100% true but I respect those who don’t because it’s a complicated issue. My second point is NOT debatable. It’s obvious to anyone who has studied this subject. Which is why Trump‘s “solution” is worse than the problem. It will never work but even to attempt it seriously will cause both untold misery and a severe economic crisis. Which is why whatever one thinks of Joe Biden regarding this issue, he is OBJECTIVELY preferable to Trump.
  9. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    The 8 million number isn’t accurate at all- it’s far less: https://www.factcheck.org/2024/02/breaking-down-the-immigration-figures/ In any case the flow of undocumented immigrants isn’t hurting us at all. It’s not affecting our economy and violent crime remains at record low numbers. So I’ve never understood why this is felt to be such a major issue.
  10. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    I’m very much aware that my views on immigration are in the minority and that most people, like your wife, believe that Biden has done a poor job on this issue. But I’m curious: is your wife in favor of rounding up and deporting millions of people which is what Trump is proposing? I think, and really hope, that a majority of Americans aren’t willing to go there.
  11. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Whatever you say, Comrade!
  12. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Ironically this post was written by one of the biggest Marxists in this forum.
  13. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    You’re basing these assumptions on polling but they haven’t been tested in an actual election. I don’t think it’s going to hold. One of the main reasons I am optimistic is that people just do not divide their ballots that way. The “split” that’s going on now is based on a general dislike of Biden among many who are otherwise liberal, and a preference for Trump among many who are unlikely to vote. Both of these numbers are “soft” and I believe will change before November enough to give Biden the win.
  14. Except, my pinko Commie friend, it doesn’t work both ways (even though you would secretly like it to, perhaps?)
  15. Here’s a clue: if you choose to “celebrate” your heterosexuality, the most likely reason is that you’re terrified that you’re not.
  16. Damn some of you are so insecure.
  17. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Most people aren’t even paying attention. They will. I remain an optimist.
  18. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Georgia may reverse itself. Lots of rednecks in Georgia. It’s a miracle they voted for Biden last time. Too many idiots in that state. Look at Marjorie Taylor Greene. But the folks in Arizona and Nevada are a lot smarter. Right now they’re pissed off about inflation and immigration, but they’ll come around. They’re too smart to vote for Trump, not gonna happen.
  19. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Nevada is going for Biden too.
  20. Is this part of the weaponization of our justice system?
  21. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    Georgia is a toss up but Arizona will vote for Biden in the end.
  22. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race

    It’s way too early, especially in Arizona. Actually the news looks good for Biden this morning: https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna155882 The conviction has hurt Trump, no doubt about that. Next up is the debate in which, I predict, Biden will sound cogent and alert and Trump will sound insane and remind voters why they don’t want him. I still believe that, by November, Biden will be decisively ahead. We should all hope so or this nation is screwed.
  23. The Real timschochet

    War in Israel

    lol your characterization of Biden is so off and so full of crap. Someday you may actually learn something but I doubt it.
  24. The Real timschochet

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    I’ve become more liberal too.
  25. The Real timschochet

    Claudia Sheinbaum, new President of Mexico

    Oh damn @Cdub100 won’t like this one: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/03/americas/mexico-claudia-sheinbaum-profile-intl-hnk/index.html But she sounds pretty good to me. Takes climate change VERY seriously: