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Brutal Brutus

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Posts posted by Brutal Brutus

  1. This narrative is FF cancer and should be scrubbed from the brain. Anything and everything can and will happen.His bums can easily outscore your studs, just depends how the ball bounces. Just always assume you need the biggest games possible to win.

    Not saying that it can't or won't happen, just saying that my team is 2-0 his is 0-2. He hasn't scored more than 90 points. Mine has scored over 100 each week. Yes he can beat me on any given week, but to say that you shouldn't think like that on a player that's listed as questionable on Monday night with no substitute if he's out, is asinine.

  2. He's not been practicing. Plays Monday night. Anybody worried? Any clever plans?

    Not sure what you can do. If you have M. Thomas or Sanu on your bench you just wait until game time. If not, then read reports from this weekend, you weigh risk vs reward, and try and anticipate what you need to win this week. I think my team is better than the guy I'm going against and I have Dorsett on my bench, so I'll probably switch those two. If I thought I needed a big game to win, I might be more inclined to roll the dice with Snead and hope he plays and be stuck if he doesn't.

  3. I'd be willing to spend a good chunk of my FAAB on him. 30-40% wouldn't be a terrible amount. When healthy he should be getting at least 10-15 carries plus goal line work, which puts him as an RB2 category, potentially RB1 if he can completely dethrone Yeldon.


    I just saw guys spend 30% on Whittaker and he should easily out perform him.

    • Like 1


    That last bit is what to do, because the problem is that the whole league is full of committee guys and guys who will get you yardage but not TDs or vice versa. You have to grab one or more of them, otherwise you wouldn't have any damn RBs on your roster.


    If this is the way the league is going, I'm considering moving my leagues from 3WR/2RB/1TE/1FLEX to 3WR/1RB/1TE/2FLEX.

    No reason to simplify fantasy just because RB has become what WR used to be.

  5. Is Antonio Brown available? He should have a good week....Depends on a lot of variables. Size of the league, PPR vs Standard, how active owners are, your definition of a good week etc. Generally speaking no WR on the waiver has a "good" chance, you're lucky to find a guy who just has a chance.

  6. Here's the problem with this logic.


    You snooze you lose.


    If Washington has a solid line this week, or if Riddick got hurt, his acquisition cost is exponentially more expensive than it is right now

    Here's the problem with your logic. I never said don't grab him all I said was temper expectations and don't drop just anyone to grab him. I grabbed him last night before Abdullah went on the IR, but I didn't drop an underperforming 4th round pick for him.


    Foster is the weakest link there. We all know how it goes. He'll rest for a week or two, and then be proclaimed perfectly healthy and come back to retake the starting job again. Only to suffer a season-ender either that week or the next.


    I dropped him from my keeper team after last year, and didn't touch him anywhere this year. So if this was the start of the season...I very well may take D Wash over Foster.

    Its the unknown in Washington vs the known in Foster. I get it and would probably do it too, but no one should consider dropping Hill, or most of the under performing starters for him.

  8. Is Jeremy Hill droppable? I have to drop a RB to pick up a RB, Foster/CMike/Hill are drop candidates for a possible lottery ticket. Could just stand pat though...

    I think Washington is a good find on the waiver, but people seem to be going overboard on him. Let him play a week or two before our opinions are made up. I may consider dropping Foster, but I don't think it's a slam dunk. If the draft were today, where would he go? Probably behind those three....


    Whah? Who? In a day and age when the internet has made information readily available to every jackwad on the planet instantaneously, anywhere & and on any device, and you call me lazy? Thats comical. You cant be serious. For goodness sakes a bot can win a fantasy league now. Just auto draft and yer good.


    You used to have dig for info. Wasnt just handed to you on your iPhone every minute by the minute. And, you cant "outskill" spread offenses and the enormous number of specialty players either despite what you might think. Sure, you can change the rules, add roster spots, allow more starters, add scoring categories, etc. to help but thats NOT skill.... thats changing the rules to make it easier on yourself.


    Hope that clears everything up. :thumbsup:

    Sounds like you're a walk to school up hill both ways kinda guy.

  10. Unless someone gets hurt, Powell, White and Hightower aren't going to help you in week 4 anyways. Mckinnon is worth a look. Johnson from Det. is also worth a look. Not sure I would dump Ivory for them, so you may want to look at the rest of your roster for a potential dump candidate.
