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Baker Boy

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Everything posted by Baker Boy

  1. Baker Boy

    3 People killed at Wafflehouse

    If gun control was the answer, Washington, D.C., and Chicago would be two of the safest cities in the country and Mexico would not have had 29,168 murders in 2017.
  2. Baker Boy

    3 People killed at Wafflehouse

    Another shooting that should have been stopped more than once. Affirmative Action strikes again.
  3. Baker Boy

    Kids walking out of school in protest

    A Texas middle school student was struck and killed by a vehicle Friday after leaving school during the nationwide walkout in support of gun control. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/23/texas-middle-school-student-dies-after-getting-hit-by-car-during-nationwide-student-walkout.html
  4. Baseball was at its best during the steroid era!
  5. Baker Boy

    Net Neutrality ends tomorrow..

    Obama made the power grab in 2015.
  6. Baker Boy

    Net Neutrality ends tomorrow..

    Obama-era “Net Neutrality” allow Google, Facebook, Twitter censorship Those arguing for the repeal of the Obama-era “Net Neutrality” rules argue Pai’s campaign to end Title II regulation of the Internet is a “noble cause” – a move that does not “kill net neutrality,” but rather reverses the unprecedented power grab of the Obama-era FCC in conjunction with the tech left forces in Silicon Valley, Soros’s Open Society Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. Trump supporters backing Pai note the Internet’s growth, explosive innovation, and flow of free expression occurred free from public utility regulation. Ironically, since the 2015 rules were put in place, instances of blocking and censoring have only occurred at a rapid pace on platforms owned by Facebook, Google, and Twitter, which all lobbied hard for the 2015 “Net Neutrality” rules, which were carefully crafted so as to not touch those companies. https://www.infowars.com/fcc-to-free-internet-from-obamas-net-neutrality-rules/
  7. Thousands of people do. Average prison sentence for murder The mean prison sentence for murder and nonnegligent manslaughter was nearly 20 years and 8 months; the median was 24 years and 3 months. Time servered is much less. First-degree attempted murder carries greater penalties and often means a life sentence with the possibility of parole. Offenders typically spend at least 10 years in prison, although mandatory minimum sentences for attempting to murder a public official may be 10 to 15 years.
  8. Baker Boy

    420 day

    Yet adults that drink just because it is Cinco de Mayo, St Patrick’s Day, etc are OK? Sounds like a double standard.
  9. Baker Boy

    Comey Book

    The Justice Department’s internal watchdog reportedly is looking into memos containing classified information that James Comey gave to a friend last year, putting the former FBI boss in the crosshairs of a probe just as his former deputy faces the possibility of a criminal investigation over a separate leak.
  10. Baker Boy

    Andrew cuomo, undocumented?

    Trump is the Third Party.
  11. Baker Boy

    Andrew cuomo, undocumented?

    So the Left replaces Illegal Alien with Undocumented, it is their word and I have no idea what it is suppose to mean. So unless he is an illegal alien he can stay.
  12. Baker Boy

    Starbucks Reparations

    He is correct, I have seen it happen dozens of times and have friends who use it regularly. The beauty is that they know which people it will work on, I am assuming you fall in that category.
  13. Bush-bashing professor has Fresno State scrambling to keep its donors Jarrar, a tenured professor, boasted on social media that because she has tenure, she won’t be fired from her job. She’s currently on leave this semester and was reportedly traveling overseas. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/20/bush-bashing-professor-has-fresno-state-scrambling-to-keep-its-donors.html
  14. NBC's 'Nightly News' skips coverage of Andrew McCabe's criminal referral http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/04/20/nbcs-nightly-news-skips-coverage-andrew-mccabes-criminal-referral.html
  15. WASHINGTON, D.C. (Bloomberg) — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told President Donald Trump last week that he isn’t a target of any part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. https://rebekahworsham.org/2018/04/19/rosenstein-trump-no-longer-a-target-of-mueller-investigation/
  16. Baker Boy

    Amazon Prime Day

    Published 9:02 a.m. ET Jan. 19, 2018 | Amazon raised the monthly rate for its Prime service by 18% on Friday, from $10.99 to $12.99. The annual Prime membership stays at $99. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2018/01/19/amazon-raises-monthly-prime-rate-annual-rate-stays-99/1046646001/
  17. Baker Boy

    im just not gonna....

    Hidden taxes make every day Tax Day Income taxes make up less than half the tax most of us pay. We also must pay payroll tax, corporate tax, gift tax, gambling tax, federal unemployment tax, gas tax, cable and telecom taxes, plane ticket tax, FCC subscriber line charges, car documentation fees, liquor and cigarette taxes, etc. But politicians are cowards. Instead of creating a tax, they magically create these little fees (so) they dont have to tell their voters they raised taxes. http://www.unionleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20180419/opinion02/180419203
  18. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=464067?st=0
  19. Baker Boy

    Trump is absolutely right about Sweden

    SloFlake is at the bottom of American Society. He believe if we bring in enough refugees a new class of people will be created below him. It is his only hope of moving up.
  20. The federal judge presiding over the Michael Cohen case finds herself at the center of one of the toughest legal brawls of the Trump era -- but District Judge Kimba Wood is no stranger to the spotlight. She has a colorful and potentially controversial past that could arise as the case involving President Trump's personal attorney moves forward. Trump allies were quick to note that Wood once was considered for attorney general by then-President Bill Clinton -- and she even officiated the wedding of left-wing billionaire George Soros.
  21. The U.S. Supreme Court threw out a provision in federal immigration law that was used to deport foreigners convicted of serious crimes. The justices, voting 5-4 Tuesday on the core question, said the laws definition of "crime of violence" was so vague as to be unconstitutional. People convicted of a violent crime are subject to mandatory deportation, meaning government officials dont have discretion to let them stay. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-17/u-s-high-court-tosses-law-used-to-deport-convicted-criminals
  22. Baker Boy

    Comey Book

    Unemployed, bald, pear shaped loser.
  23. Worms is also excited about the pee pee story.
  24. Baker Boy

    Bombs Away

    What is you point, they all had access to the same information. So now this is Colin Powells fault? Fact: The Iraq Resolution is a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress in October 2002 as Public Law No: 107-243, authorizing military action against Iraq.
  25. Baker Boy

    Comey Book

    You were the one who made a big deal about a tiny part of an interview. it was mentioned in the thread and you jump all over it, now you are in damage control lying about what happened. This why you are considered a Pear Shape Loser!