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Baker Boy

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Baker Boy last won the day on August 28 2023

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About Baker Boy

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    FF Geek

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  1. Baker Boy

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    But nobody says why!
  2. Baker Boy

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    Why don’t you like him?
  3. Baker Boy

    Tell you what--Trump can golf

    TDS over Trump’s golf game. What a bunch of pear shaped losers.
  4. China is your example. So you would prefer to live in a authoritarian dictatorship to eliminate police carrying guns. I guess that’s another reason, why you vote Democratic. That goes right along with your opposition to school choice as far as the United Kingdom goes, I’d rather get shot then have acid thrown in my face.
  5. Baker Boy

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Why do you continue to vote against school choice?
  6. Baker Boy

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    If that was a dynamic speech, we have completely removed the bar of excellence
  7. Baker Boy

    Did We Just Witness a Coup?

    2 Corinthians 3:17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, right? Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,” he said. - Donald Trump
  8. Baker Boy

    Eagerly awaiting the hostage video tomorrow night

    Joe Biden is going to slip away like an old man easing into a hot bath.
  9. Baker Boy

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    When Bill Clinton got away with saying to a grand jury "it depends on what the meaning of the word is, is" the Dems knew they could do and say anything to their constituents and they would believe them.
  10. Baker Boy

    Did We Just Witness a Coup?

    Biden made a campaign promise that he would stop Covid. In the end Covid stopped him.
  11. Baker Boy

    Did We Just Witness a Coup?

    Plus Lawfare attempts to remove Trump from the ballot. then assassination attempt Forcefully removing the Democratic candidate for president. 1. It doesn’t matter, we don’t care.
  12. Baker Boy

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    No, it is an attack on democracy and the Democratic voters have no clue what has happened. if you want to vote for an authoritarian Marxist government that is up to you. The phrase."Like a lamb to the slaughter" does come to mind. The fact that this does not upset you proves my point.
  13. Baker Boy

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Joe Biden was told by the swamp that if he didn’t resign, they would remove him from power. Democracy in action.
  14. Baker Boy

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    If Joe Biden were leading in the polls, the Dems would still be running him and declaring he is sharp as a a tack. The swamp nominated Kamala Harris for presiden, even though she didn’t receive one vote in the primaries. What kind of democracy are the Democrats pushing when the people don’t get to vote for their nominee.
  15. Baker Boy

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Kamala Harris has not won a single primary vote. Dean Phillips, Marion Williamson and uncommitted have more primary votes than Harris. This is the democrats view of democracy and how they are going to save it.