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Baker Boy

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Baker Boy last won the day on August 28 2023

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About Baker Boy

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    FF Geek

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  1. https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-migrant-arrested-accused-rape-being-released-massachusetts-court-ice Illegal migrant arrested, accused of rape after being released by Massachusetts court: ICE Castro-Alvarado 'posed a significant threat' to community after being released from custody
  2. Baker Boy

    Vow to keep Sharing the Gospel

    Unfortunately, you are not sharing the gospel, you are just irritating people. Posting random Bible verses and saying Amen is not spreading the word. The best way for Christian to spread the word is through their actions, and you fail miserably at that. Your playing the victim is just pathetic. If you are sincere in sharing the gospel, you need a much different approach. Pray for guidance, God will help you.
  3. Baker Boy

    "Inflation Reduction" Bill signed

    I can’t believe that people actually believe that getting rid of fossil fuels is going to lower the temperature of the Earth.
  4. Baker Boy

    Keep your Bible to yourself

    So you don’t believe your opinions and that makes it OK? Let me get this straight, if we believe something 100% we should not be allowed to post it. you never mentioned Weepaws in the OP why are you adding him to the conversation now?
  5. Baker Boy

    This economy is so bad

    https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/ll-flooring-hardware-store-once-known-lumber-liquidators-close-all-400-stores-bankruptcy-proceeding LL Flooring, hardware store once known as Lumber Liquidators, to close all 400 stores in bankruptcy proceeding The hardware company filed for bankruptcy last month but has failed to find a buyer
  6. I see you missed Trump’s reaction to the shooting. BTW The school shooting yesterday has its own thread. Try to keep up.
  7. Baker Boy

    Darius, You Slay Me

    The NFL is about everything but "the game". Look at what they did to the kickoff return.
  8. Baker Boy

    What's up with the hurricanes?

    And there is no way to prove that anything they do to stop global warming is helping. The perfect scam.
  9. Baker Boy

    If Vice Presidents have no power…

    She cast 40 tie-breaking senate votes as vice president. That is a lot of power. Yet, there are numerous first ladies that have accomplished much more than she has.
  10. Baker Boy

    No Tax on Tips

    Do you really believe this coherent statement?
  11. Baker Boy

    No Tax on Tips

    I will repeat, making tips a gift does not change what a gift is it changes what a tip.
  12. Baker Boy

    No Tax on Tips

    What is stopping them from doing that now? Making tips a gift does not change what a gift is it changed what a tip is. Is this really that hard?
  13. Baker Boy

    No Tax on Tips

    This Is a very vague response, can you be more specific. What things are they going to classify differently and what things will they be hiding? Why don’t they do this with gifts now? What things are they hiding as gifts now? I don’t see how classifying tips as gifts can cause this, please explain.
  14. Baker Boy

    No Tax on Tips

    Oops gift [ɡift] noun a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present:
  15. Baker Boy

    No Tax on Tips

    I will repeat once more, if you reclassify a tip as a gift, there’s no real change to the code. The code for gifts is already written and gratuities should be treated likewise and the tax code for Tips can be eliminated.