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Baker Boy

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Everything posted by Baker Boy

  1. Oops! The cost of both wars was a little more that the cost of TARP and the Stimulus.
  2. And making $34,000 a year in Mississippi is much different than if you live in Boston. What is your point.
  3. Baker Boy

    Is it OK for us to start political threads today?

    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but I guess you could be one of those rare fools that didn't back Obama in 2008 but grew to love him because of his great politic agenda and accomplishments. You are an Obamabot of the first order.
  4. Baker Boy

    Is it OK for us to start political threads today?

    You've been cheering for Obama for 6 years you Moron. You don' t even see it do you? Soooo Sad!
  5. Unfortunately the financial burden ObamaCare will have on our budget ensures that the Federal Budget will never be balanced without repealing ObamaCare but I think you already know that.
  6. Baker Boy

    Is it OK for us to start political threads today?

    There are more Hispanic Reps in government than Hispanic Dems.
  7. Baker Boy

    Is it OK for us to start political threads today?

    It is kind of ironic that the Dems, who were running on the Reps war on women, got their butts kicked by a bunch of Rep Women.
  8. Baker Boy

    Is it OK for us to start political threads today?

    The new Senate filibuster rules the Dems passed aren't looking good to them today.
  9. They did it in 1998 which was the first time the budget was balanced since the 1960s. Of course the Dems controlled the House for 40 straight years before that, from the 1950s to the 1990s. The problem is that when you are running a Trillion dollar deficit it is hard to balance the budget in one or two years. When all of the Bush tax cuts are repealed you will know they are serious about it.
  10. Baker Boy

    How did drobeski miss this?

    Russia's Steve Jobs Memorial Dismantled After Apple Successor Tim Cook Comes out as gay. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/03/steve-jobs-memorial-dismantled-_n_6093900.html Those whacky socialists!
  11. Baker Boy

    I Want My Fair Share

    Don't work, don't save, don't get married, have lots of kids. This is the inner city creed.
  12. Baker Boy

    Voting day thoughts.......

    Correct, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  13. Baker Boy

    'Why I'll never tell my son he's smart'

    I believe that the idea of giving 100% and doing your best has been around forever. I don't know anyone who was raised differently.
  14. Baker Boy

    Another pressure situation for Romo.

    Tony Romo has won as many playoff games as Tim Tebow. That is the bottom line.
  15. A video of a young woman being sexually harassed on the streets of New York has sparked debate and criticism since going viral. The video has gained over 15 million views since its release earlier this week by advocacy group Hollaback. It has come under some criticism for its portrayal of black and Latino men, with writer and columnist such as Roxane Gay pointing to the lack of white men featured in the video, tweeting: she didnt walk through any white neighbourhoods?. The videos creator Robert Bliss responded to the criticism. We got a fair amount of white guys, but for whatever reason, a lot of what they said was in passing, or off camera, he said in a post on Reddit. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/hollaback-harassment-video-criticised-over-race-of-men-1.1982082 With video It is my experience that White neighborhoods don't harass women like what is shown on the video.
  16. Baker Boy

    Tony Romo

    has won as many play off games as Tim Tebow.
  17. Baker Boy

    In the last 45 years

    Virgin Galactic spaceship crashes during California test flight http://news.yahoo.com/virgin-galactic-spaceship-crashes-during-california-test-flight-184004824--finance.html
  18. Baker Boy

    In the last 45 years

    Quit resting on the laurels of past generations. We are not the greatest anymore, look at the stats. We are a shell of the country we used to be. What we are is the greatest debtor nation in the world.
  19. "One week from today you get to choose a new governor. And because early voting runs through this Friday, you don't have to wait until Election Day," Obama said at the Milwaukee, WI event. "You can vote all week.” http://rt.com/usa/200619-obama-chicag-vote-once/
  20. Baker Boy

    corporations dont create jobs !

    When Reagan took office corporate tax rates were 46% when he left they were 34%, today they are 35%.http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxfacts/Content/PDF/corporate_historical_bracket.pdf When Reagan took office the top income tax bracket was 70%, when he left office it was 28%, to day it is 39.6 after Obama raised this rate. http://web.stanford.edu/class/polisci120a/immigration/Federal%20Tax%20Brackets.pdf http://www.moneychimp.com/features/tax_brackets.htm http://top-federal-tax-rates.findthebest.com/l/73/1988 Reagan fought a Democratic congress for years for these tax breaks and the result was two decades of American prosperity. This is tricle down economics. Raising taxes on the rich is not. I would be interested in seeing your links.
  21. Baker Boy

    corporations dont create jobs !

    Check out the 1980s, that was trickle down. There isn't any tricledown anymore.
  22. Baker Boy


    There are 380 Bills passed by the House waiting for a Senate vote.
  23. Baker Boy


    Well keep unpacking. This is not partisan it is fact! Defending this outrage is partisan.
  24. Baker Boy


    Much of this legislation was aimed a repealing current failing legislation. There are a number of budgets in there too. What is your next excuse?
  25. Baker Boy

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