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Baker Boy

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Everything posted by Baker Boy

  1. Baker Boy

    Any graying Geeks?

    I know you, you are the guy with a burning coil of hatred toward the rich and successful.
  2. Baker Boy

    Any graying Geeks?

    I never knew an intelligent person who shaved their head. They are all nice guys and lots of fun but their lives are cluttered with bad choices. That is just my observation.
  3. Baker Boy

    Any graying Geeks?

    What is wrong with turning grey? You know you have been conditioned to think getting grey is bad so they can sell you all this crap. Next stop, Botox.
  4. Baker Boy

    thanks obummer and dummycraps

    Wait until after the election, the two dozen different postponements Obama made to the ACA will be put into place. That is when many of the Obamabots will figure it out. Currently my insurance has gone up from $980 a year in 2008 to $2300 per year today. Thank you Affordable Care Act for making my health care unaffordable.
  5. I am having difficulty determining the ignorance of this board
  6. Sorry, I will have to throw you back I am over my limit
  7. FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – A report by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch this morning shows the official autopsy supports Ferguson officer Darren Wilson’s claim that Michael Brown struggled with him in his patrol vehicle, and that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot Aug. 9. A source tells the Post-Dispatch that Wilson testified to the Grand Jury that when he tried to get out of his SUV to talk to Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson about the theft of cigarillos, Brown slammed the door shut and punched him in the face. Wilson pulled his weapon, and Brown grabbed it. At one point, the barrel was pointed at Wilson’s hip, then a shot was fired hitting Brown’s hand. Wilson says he then chased Brown, who turned and ran toward him. Wilson said “stop,” then fired. Brown kept coming, so Wilson fired several more shots. The Post-Dispatch also had three experts examine the official autopsy. St. Louis medical examiner Dr. Michael Graham says the report supports claims that there was a “significant struggle” in Wilson’s patrol car, and Brown suffered a hand wound at “relatively short range.” A forensic pathologist from San Francisco, Dr. Judy Melinek, says based on a bullet wound to Brown’s arm, Brown’s palms could not have been facing Wilson in the standard surrender position – with hands up and palms out – when he was shot, and Brown was falling forward or lunging when he was hit by the fatal shot to the top of his head. Based on toxicology tests, Ohio State University College of Pharmacy consultant Alfred Staubus concludes Brown had used marijuana within a few hours of his death, but it is not clear if he was impaired at the time. The Post-Dispatch says Brown’s family attorney calls Wilson’s account “absurd from beginning to end.” http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2014/10/22/new-information-released-on-michael-brown-case/
  8. Voter fraud has been going on forever. To deny this is just ignorant. Without voter fraud 80% of Democrates wouldn't have been elected.
  9. Baker Boy

    Wham Bam No Thank You Sam

    And there are better players that never got the chance he did. How many 265 pound DE are there in the NFL?
  10. One poster put a dozen Obamabots in a frenzy with nothing more than a link to a local news source.
  11. Baker Boy

    Cowboys fans

    It's not Dallas and you can take that to the bank.
  12. Baker Boy

    Cowboys fans

    Yes it is, Dallas lost to the only team they played with a winning record. This is not a championship team.
  13. Baker Boy

    NFC West

    You are 100% wrong! In 2011 he Played in 13 games and averaged 5.5 YPC and in 2013 he played in 14 games and averaged 5.2 YPC. This year he is averaging 4.9 YPC. The only difference is number of carries.
  14. Baker Boy

    NFC West

    They have had a running game for awhile now. They just didn't use it.
  15. Baker Boy

    Unsalted peanuts are the WORST!

    1% of the U.S. population has a peanut allergy.
  16. Baker Boy

    ABC Poll: 2/3 Want travel ban from Ebola countries.

    What I am hearing from our government is that the Ebola people are coming one way or another. They can fly in or cross the border illegally. If they fly in we can track them, if we ban them who knows. That is why they are saying our only course of action is fighting Ebola on Africa. I think a lot of stuff is going to come out on Ebola and ISIS after the election.
  17. Baker Boy

    Hunter Biden booted from Navy reserve for cocaine

    Your wealth envy is very obvious, Chip.
  18. Baker Boy

    Hunter Biden booted from Navy reserve for cocaine

    Actually the U.S. Government says so, look it up.
  19. Baker Boy

    Stock market

    Mitt Romney donated tens of millions of dollars to charity. People like to ignore that fact. How's that chip on your shoulder doing?
  20. Baker Boy

    Hunter Biden booted from Navy reserve for cocaine

    You need to get that chip off your shoulders. Your obvious hatred of any one who has more than you or is more successful than you is a sickness. You should seek professional help. Believe me your life will be much more enjoyable when you get that prejudice off your back.
  21. Baker Boy


    The New York Times reported late Tuesday that American troops reported finding approximately 5,000 chemical warheads, shells, or aviation bombs in the years following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. On at least six occasions, soldiers were wounded by those weapons, which had been manufactured before 1991. In all, the paper reported that 17 U.S. soldiers and seven Iraqi police officers were exposed to chemical agents during the war. The U.S. government said its number was slightly higher, but did not release a specific figure.
  22. Baker Boy

    Stock market

    Yup, I just didn't figure someone with an adjusted taxable income of over $400,000 would be posting on this crappy little board.
  23. Baker Boy

    ABC Poll: 2/3 Want travel ban from Ebola countries.

    I was taught that it is better to be safe than sorry. When did it change to it is better to be politically correct than sorry?
  24. Baker Boy

    Happy Boss's Day

    You should read your post in the team building thread but I think all these made up holidays are stupid.