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Baker Boy

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Everything posted by Baker Boy

  1. Baker Boy


    Baltimore is the nation's most dangerous city Baltimore is the big city with the highest per capita murder rate in the nation, with nearly 56 murders per 100,000 people. At 343 murders in 2017, the city tallied the highest per capita rate in its history. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/02/19/homicides-toll-big-u-s-cities-2017/302763002/ Chicago is at 24 per 100,000
  2. The earth has been warming for over 10,000 years and you first figured that out now?
  3. Even if every nation in the world adheres to its climate change commitments by 2030 the only difference it will make to “global warming” by the end of this century will be to reduce the world’s temperatures by 0.048°C (0.086°F). That’s 1/20th of a degree C.
  4. Baker Boy

    Xbox enforcement action email.

    I would start here - For additional information please visit
  5. 2 Swedes yes but not 2 refugees, they are victims and wouldnt harm anyone.
  6. Baker Boy

    How common are good guys with guns?

    That is the goal of the movement you are supporting. It is sad you dont understand that. Go ahead and post those videos, Id like to see them. What rallies are they from?
  7. Baker Boy

    Build your perfect concert

    How can you name a favorite concert without naming the Venue. The Venue can make or break any concert!
  8. Yet they censor speech on campus. This is all very confusing. The only standards the Left has are Double Standards.
  9. She was found in an ‘acute state of crisis’ by medical staff shortly before 7am. This is what happens when you find out what you believe in and Campaign for is false.
  10. This is reason Obama only created part time and minimum wage jobs, he knew the job market. This Administration is out of touch with the American Workforce!
  11. Baker Boy

    Here is what Facebook won't let you post.

    Being insensitive Targeting someone's vulnerabilities could get your posts removed on Facebook. The company advises not to post content that depicts real people and "mocks their implied or actual serious physical injuries, disease, or disability, non- consensual sexual touching, or premature death." And this vague category gives them the authority to ban anything they want by claiming it is insensitive.
  12. Baker Boy

    How common are good guys with guns?

    That is step one, we choose to make a stand here because the ultimate goal is to outlaw all firearms. It won’t stop until until guns are outlawed. Do you really want the only are people to be the criminals?
  13. Baker Boy

    How common are good guys with guns?

    Take away his gun and he will bring a bomb. Now what do you do? Who do you blame?
  14. Baker Boy

    How common are good guys with guns?

    Of course there is a problem only you think the gun and the NRA are responsible not the murder. Getting rid of the guns from law abiding citizens is not going to stop the violence! How screwed up are you thinking there is a mass shooting every day? Mark Robinson addresses Greensboro City Council on gun show ban
  15. Baker Boy

    3 People killed at Wafflehouse

    Mark Robinson addresses Greensboro City Council on gun show ban
  16. Baker Boy

    How common are good guys with guns?

    In an average year during 1996–1998, 2.46 million U.S. adults used a gun for self-defense. This estimate, based on an enormous sample of 12,870 cases (unweighted) in a nationally representative sample http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/22/guns-save-lives-cdc-never-publicized/
  17. The question is how many SERIOUSLY considered suicide. I think most kids think about suicide at some point of growing up but it is not a serious consideration. 20% of HS students have seriously considered suicide.
  18. Baker Boy

    Pocahontas Refuses DNA Test!

    A self-described "real Indian" who is running against Mass. Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren is suing after city officials demanded he take down his signs calling her a "fake Indian." The upstart independent Senate challenger, Shiva Ayyadurai, on Sunday filed a federal lawsuit alleging that the demand from the city of Cambridge violates his constitutional free speech rights, according to The Washington Times. Since March 17, Ayyadurai's campaign bus has sported two identical signs picturing himself and a rendition of Warren wearing Indian attire. Emblazoned next to the images are the words: "Only a REAL INDIAN Can Defeat the Fake Indian." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/24/real-indian-running-against-sen-elizabeth-warren-sues-after-city-tells-him-to-stop-calling-her-fake-indian.html
  19. Baker Boy

    3 People killed at Wafflehouse

    China and North Korea have gun control too!
  20. Baker Boy

    3 People killed at Wafflehouse

    If gun control was the answer, Washington, D.C., and Chicago would be two of the safest cities in the country and Mexico would not have had 29,168 murders in 2017.
  21. Baker Boy

    3 People killed at Wafflehouse

    Another shooting that should have been stopped more than once. Affirmative Action strikes again.
  22. Baker Boy

    Kids walking out of school in protest

    A Texas middle school student was struck and killed by a vehicle Friday after leaving school during the nationwide walkout in support of gun control. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/23/texas-middle-school-student-dies-after-getting-hit-by-car-during-nationwide-student-walkout.html
  23. Baseball was at its best during the steroid era!
  24. Baker Boy

    Net Neutrality ends tomorrow..

    Obama made the power grab in 2015.
  25. Baker Boy

    Net Neutrality ends tomorrow..

    Obama-era “Net Neutrality” allow Google, Facebook, Twitter censorship Those arguing for the repeal of the Obama-era “Net Neutrality” rules argue Pai’s campaign to end Title II regulation of the Internet is a “noble cause” – a move that does not “kill net neutrality,” but rather reverses the unprecedented power grab of the Obama-era FCC in conjunction with the tech left forces in Silicon Valley, Soros’s Open Society Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. Trump supporters backing Pai note the Internet’s growth, explosive innovation, and flow of free expression occurred free from public utility regulation. Ironically, since the 2015 rules were put in place, instances of blocking and censoring have only occurred at a rapid pace on platforms owned by Facebook, Google, and Twitter, which all lobbied hard for the 2015 “Net Neutrality” rules, which were carefully crafted so as to not touch those companies. https://www.infowars.com/fcc-to-free-internet-from-obamas-net-neutrality-rules/