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Baker Boy

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Everything posted by Baker Boy

  1. Spoken like a true Totalitarian Socialist, keep up the fight comrade!
  2. Yet it has been proven that multiple bureaucratic failures are to blame for this shooting! It never should have happened but it is still the guns fault. It’s not about the kids it’s about disarming the American public.
  3. Baker Boy

    McCabe Fired

    Since Trump’s stunning victory The SloHagfish has defended Islamic Terror illegals Chinese steel Chicago murderers Hollywood snowflakes the unaffordable care act transgender bathrooms Chemical Warfare Tampon Machines in the Men's Bathrooms tax and spend failed Socialist Governments rioting to prevent free speech a Nuclear Iran America Last punishing success rewarding apathy Nuclear Korea James Comey The Swamp the murder of Seth Rich transferring obscene material to minors MMGW Hypocrisy Politically Correct Nonsense Hillary Clinton Kathy Griffin DUI Globalization Paris Accord Growing the Chinese economy at the expense of the American economy Fake News Pay for Play Partial birth abortion Perjury Assassination Rape Racism Foreign Governments brutalization of American Citizens Human Rights atrocities in Cuba Obstruction of Justice High unemployment among Black Americans Cop Killers MSM Death Panels Transgender Military CNN Voting Fraud Supplying uranium to Russia Government Corruption Andrew McCabe
  4. Under Obama 11 million people were added to the Food Stamp Program.
  5. Baker Boy

    McCabe Fired

    Trump is draining the Swamp just like he promised. MAGA Trump has the Lefties backing corruption in government. Priceless!
  6. The pedestrian bridge that collapsed at Florida International University's Miami-Dade campus today, killing several people, was funded with $11.4 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program. The TIGER program has come under repeated fire for awarding money based on politics rather than merit. . . . Members of Florida's congressional delegation publicly lauded the TIGER award to FIU. "Thanks to this TIGER funding, FIU students will be able to walk from their student housing to class through a pedestrian bridge across Southwest Eighth Street," Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.) said in 2013. "More jobs will be created in our community thanks to this grant, and I look forward to celebrating the project's success with everyone in South Florida." Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R–Fla.) made similar comments on Saturday. "FIU has come a long way since the TIGER grant that funded this pedestrian bridge was awarded in 2013," he said. "This project represents a true collaboration among so many different partners at local, state, and federal levels, and in both the public and private sectors." https://reason.com/blog/2018/03/15/collapsed-fiu-bridge-was-funded-by-feder
  7. The two firms responsible for building Florida International University’s "instant bridge," which suddenly collapsed Thursday and left six people dead, are coming under increased scrutiny as details emerge of past engineering failures and inspection fines -- including a recent accusation that one hired “unskilled” and “careless” workers. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/16/companies-behind-florida-bridge-collapse-have-history-fines-failures-lawsuits.html
  8. He cant even tell us what those policies are. This move is not because of Trump!
  9. Australia has Merit Based Immigration, that is a Trump policy?
  10. The Trump-Russia Hoax: All Roads Lead Back to Barack Obama
  11. Baker Boy

    Muslim kid builds a clock, gets arrested for 'hoax bomb'

    US federal judge dismisses lawsuit filed by 'clock boy's' father http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/14/us-federal-judge-dismisses-lawsuit-filed-by-clock-boys-father.html
  12. Baker Boy

    The Real Collusion Story

    They are a new kind of stupid. They are not logical. They make no sense whatsoever. But they are going to have the media on their side, and that's the danger.
  13. Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney A new book claims former President Barack Obama hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Romney Obama used law firm Perkins Coie to hide payment to Fusion GPS The Clinton campaign would later do the same thing to investigate Trump http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/13/fusion-gps-romney-investigation/
  14. Baker Boy

    The Real Collusion Story

    It is not surprising that the Liberals dont even want to look at these facts or try to debunk them. It is the only way they can keep their fantasy of Liberal Government alive inside their minds.
  15. Baker Boy

    Steel and Aluminum Tariffs (Good or bad?)

    U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/msn/us-steel-to-reopen-dormant-illinois-plant-credits-proposed-trump-tariffs/ar-BBJZscD
  16. Baker Boy


    Baltimore 2018 Homicide Analysis LAST UPDATE: February 17, 2018. 10:30 AM Eastern. Summary * January 2018: 24 * February 2018: 4 * 2018 Total Count: 28 * Men: 26 * Black: 25 * White: 0 * Hispanic: 0 * Other: 0 * Undetermined: 1 * Women: 2 * Black: 2 * White: 0 * Hispanic: 0 * Other: 0 * Undetermined: 0 There have been 47 murders in Baltimore this year.
  17. Baker Boy

    Hill still doesn't get it

    Hillary Clinton Stumbles Down Stairs In India - Bing video https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hillary+stumbles&&view=detail&mid=421189119E659B05AC18421189119E659B05AC18&&FORM=VRDGAR
  18. Baker Boy

    Stay out of milwaukee... std cluster

    But you said these areas have been controlled by Republicans for decades. Which areas are they?
  19. Baker Boy

    Pocahontas Refuses DNA Test!

    The Hagfish is biting today!
  20. Baker Boy

    Pocahontas Refuses DNA Test!

    Remember SloFlake suffers from the enduring weakness of bias.
  21. Baker Boy

    Pocahontas Refuses DNA Test!

    She started telling these tales when there was no way to disprove her claims. Today DNA can prove her right or wrong but she will never take the test even though she could use it to embarrassment Trump and demand an apology.
  22. Baker Boy

    DecoratedVet kills 4 including self...

    The gun laws of California[3][4] are some of the most restrictive in the United States. A 5-year Firearm Safety Certificate, obtained by paying a $25 fee, submission of applicant data to the state, and passing a written test proctored by a DOJ Certified Instructor, is required for the sale, delivery, loan, or transfer of any firearm.[5][6] Handguns sold by dealers must be "California legal" by being listed on the state's Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale.[7] This roster, which requires handgun manufacturers to pay a fee and submit specific models for safety testing, has become progressively more stringent over time and is currently the subject of a federal civil rights lawsuit on the basis that it is a de facto ban on new handgun models.[8] Private sales of firearms must be done through a licensed dealer. All firearm sales are recorded by the state, and have a ten-day waiting period.
  23. Baker Boy

    Stay out of milwaukee... std cluster

    Please name a few, I named the 10 cities with the highest poverty rate which all happened to be controlled by Dems for decades. What do you have?
  24. https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/manufacturing-adds-31000-jobs-january-263000-trump-took-office When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who Im not going to advertise for, that hes going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exectly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? Theres uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. Im going to negotiate a better deal. Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesnt have an answer. - Barack Obama 2016 The man really was clueless.