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Everything posted by EternalShinyAndChrome

  1. EternalShinyAndChrome

    I particularly like the very last one in this list

    Certified Wiff.
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Kay Adams - Just a prop or a the real deal?

    You son of b@tch!
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing

    The behavior of the left over the last year and a half is going to cause a GOP wave this midterm and guarantee another Trump election. What a bunch of f#cking babies.
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Rate my team !@#

    That team looks awful. You couldn't draft better than that in a 10 team league? Was your plan NOT to win your league this year? C-
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Settle a debate for me: Best John Belushi movie

    I would say this too. I wasn't gaga over BB like a lot of people were. AH was way better, IMO.
  6. It's a night and day difference. The guy is a cancer on this board.
  7. Says the guy crying about Trump supporters.
  8. I have proof. You have anecdotes. Looks like you took one, random interaction (which is probably not true) and extrapolated that out to the whole group.
  9. These are some great anecdotes! Let me add to this: I turn on the TV every day and all I see is the news networks, talk shows and every other channel in "OMG! I HATE TRUMP!" mode I go online and it's mostly filled with "OMG! I HATE TRUMP!" forums and websites I open the newspaper and on the front page just about every day is "OMG! I HATE TRUMP!" articles and opinons I pick up any magazine and open it up to read it and it's mostly filled with "OMG! I HATE TRUMP" pieces So, yeah, your TWO instances (barely) really show that no one is attacking trump at all. Everyone is just pleasant and courteous.
  10. Well, he is what he is. He isn't changing at his advanced age. At this point it's best if everyone just puts him on ignore. Not only do you have to NOT look at his cut-and-paste posts he gets directly from HuffPo/Daily Kos/Vox, but it actually cleans up the threads quite a bit. A thread with 20 pages that include his posts will be cut down to about 5 pages when you have him on ignore. Between him and Wiff, they probably account for 90% of the posts in these forums.
  11. Hey...if the shoe fits you gotta' wear it. And it fits you PERFECTLY.
  12. I see this a lot from you. What's yur point?
  13. Chuck Todd Warns of Friday Mueller Bombshell: So....anyone seen or heard anything yet? Maybe I'm not looking at the right websites.
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Raiders trade Khalil Mack to the Bears

    Good enough for third place in the division, anyways.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Chuck Todd Friday Bombshell - Anyone Seen Anything Yet?

    This is the big bombshell we were promised yesterday?
  16. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Cosby Show's "Elvin" bagging groceries at Trader Joes in NJ

    Yep, that's pretty shitty of Fox News to do that. Most of us can relate to what he's going thru (falling on hard times). He's making an honest living and he may have some other issues going on that a simple picture can't capture. Poor guy. Maybe he now gets the internet to help him out. I'd contribute.
  17. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Chuck Todd Friday Bombshell - Anyone Seen Anything Yet?

    Can you at least provide a link? It's Saturday at 9:15 am CST and I still haven't seen anything on this big bombshell Todd was speaking of. Also, who is getting their knickers twisted? We're not the ones that bragged about a bombshell being imminent.
  18. EternalShinyAndChrome

    New national poll about Trump

    Update? Also, there were pretty high expectations that Hillary would win in a landslide too. Or that the Dems were going to win all the special elections post Trump election. You think you would have learned by now.
  19. EternalShinyAndChrome

    We all can agree on one thing though

    WTF? Are you kidding? Dude, turn in your man card immediately.
  20. EternalShinyAndChrome

    This man is a friggin beast

    I imagine this wouldn't go over very well with the American Left. They need to keep people down just enough for votes. Can't have people motivated to improve themselves.
  21. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Colin Kaepernick collusion case is heating up!

    Sure, but he was on display on every channel and magazine. I'm sure there was no collusion, just owners on an individual basis deciding they didn't want to deal with the nonsense.
  22. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump and McCain Flag Thingy

    I thought you were out for the weekend?
  23. EternalShinyAndChrome

    New NAFTA Trade Deal - America WINS AGAIN!

    You really should. I mean, you asking for and swooning over a gay cake - and one shaped like Sho's c@ck to boot - doesn't come off very well. Just sayin'.
  24. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Winning! MAGA!

    Link? Edit: nm. I had to do all the work myself. Thanks. So, the Trump backed candidate vs the Bernia backed candidate. This ought to be good. FYI: Next time a liberal tells you that their party isn't the Party of Socialism, tell them they're full of shiite.
  25. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Cohen's Lawyer admits no proof Trump knew of Trump Tower Meeting

    I'm sure they believe that America has much more pressing issues, like giving trannies access to opposite sex bathrooms.