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EternalShinyAndChrome last won the day on June 15

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About EternalShinyAndChrome

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    FF Geek

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  1. EternalShinyAndChrome


    The f'n cowardly pvssies wouldn't DARE do that about Islam. What a bunch of pathetic losers. Disgusting.
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Wayne Brady is a Pansexual 🌈 WTF IS A PANSEXUAL?

    So basically Brady is ghey but too embarrassed to admit it so he makes up some term to try and fool everyone.
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome


    What an embarrassment. Now I regret D-Day.
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Agreed. I might even like to amenable to those that just serve in one of the Armed Forces or register with the Selective service too If you're not willing to lay your life down for your country, then maybe you shouldn't vote either. Too many liberal pro-hamas pvssies shouldn't be anywhere near a voting booth.
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    K Harris

    Fun Fact: Squiz didn't know that the rainbow mob is also protected by the Civil Rights Act. He literally argued in the other forum that they had no rights. In the VERY thread he started. This is good: https://forums.footballguys.com/threads/lgbt-lgbtq-lgbt-thread.765610/page-21#post-23431394 https://forums.footballguys.com/threads/lgbt-lgbtq-lgbt-thread.765610/page-21#post-23431843 https://forums.footballguys.com/threads/lgbt-lgbtq-lgbt-thread.765610/page-21#post-23431867 https://forums.footballguys.com/threads/lgbt-lgbtq-lgbt-thread.765610/page-21#post-23432772 https://forums.footballguys.com/threads/lgbt-lgbtq-lgbt-thread.765610/page-21#post-23432851 The entire thread is glorious though and a great insight on just how clueless squiz really is and how he just repeats the propaganda told to him by his masters. I'm guessing he's going to start deleting those posts to cover his tracks now.
  6. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Spoken like a true member of a cult.
  7. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Wayne Brady is a Pansexual 🌈 WTF IS A PANSEXUAL?

    I swear to God I almost pissed myself I was laughing so hard.
  8. EternalShinyAndChrome


    is there a multiverse where the liberal perverts and degenerates haven't taken over?
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome


    F'n gross. Western Civilization is dying. I won't be watching the Olympics now.
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    No, we don't need you. Seriously. take the bet.
  11. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    And yet it was YOUR guy who literally lost his mind 4 years ago but now you're worried about Trump? Sure, pal. You go with that.
  12. EternalShinyAndChrome

    France got Akbarred (again)

    Diversity is our strength.
  13. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    Sure you are. It wasn't an issue w/Trump until people started pointing out that your guy has dementia. Now you have to play the "I'm going to accuse your guy of the same thing" game.
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Project 2025

    People can start grabbing Gutter's, Pimpadouche and thegeneral's pussies in 2025!!!
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Even Bill doesn't like Hillary.