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Everything posted by EternalShinyAndChrome

  1. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump colors in flag wrong, cheats off little girl

    OMG!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!! Should we call for his impeachment?
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Welfares bad, right?

    Nailed it.
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Welfares bad, right?

    Maybe there's a difference between getting aid because of something the government did, as opposed to getting aid because of something you did (or aren't doing).
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Bad day for FBI/DOJ scumbags.

    With each passing nothing-burger, they get more desperate and get closer to a full blown break with reality. In fact, I'm pretty sure the break has already happened.
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Bad day for FBI/DOJ scumbags.

    This is funny considering it's coming form the same guy that posts the same rambling, nonsensical shiit in different threads - if he's not actually creating new ones with the same shiite.
  6. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Maybe you two should just get a room. That way you can circle jerk together in privacy instead of displaying it in such public fashion here. Just sayin'.
  7. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Uhm... you're the one who wanted a cake shaped like She's c@ck: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=478325&do=findComment&comment=6270274 Just admit you play the skin flute. It's okay. You'll be accepted by others. (This never gets old. That link will live in perpetuity)
  8. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Yet still wrong. I get you don't want to hear the truth - you want to hear what fits your narrative.
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Yes, I was dissing my own post. Vike and his girl MDC weren't able to deduce that and wanted to believe in some alias conspiracy theories instead. It was an alternative take on admitting that I was wrong.
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    And here I didn't think we had anything in common.
  11. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Shiny doesn't have the link because there is no link. What a doofus. My guess is he got you confused with another poster. Let's see what he says when he finally replies. Although, in defense of Shiny, you are starting the most TDS threads so it's easy to assume you are the owner.
  12. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Sure you do. That's what 35,174 posts tells us - that you have a life outside of this place.
  13. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Cool! Then I'm sure you won't mind when I tell you to go fock yourself. Just remember, iToughGuyTM: You started this, not me.
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Do I need to keep reminding you who is actually gay for Sho? You should probably stop doing this if you don't want to get smacked down constantly as Sho's lover-boy.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Why do you got to be that way? Have I ever called you names? Just want to be clear before things get worse between you and me.
  16. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Does anyone understand Blathering, Nonsensical Idiot? Can someone translate? TIA!
  17. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    This is weird coming from the guy with 65,559 posts and counting. Like your girl, MDC, you should probably re-read your posts before submitting them.
  18. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Well, of course you and your girls don't like me because I shine the light of Truth on your BS posts. Well, the posts we can understand from you, anyways, as most appear to written in the language of Blathering, Nonsensical Idiot.
  19. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    Says the guy who started yet ANOTHER Trump thread today. You probably should stay away from these "GOTCHA" games, because you don't have a leg to stand on. You're getting repeatedly burned. You might want consider deleting your account entirely.
  20. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Conservative family values...

    Of course you don't want to discuss history - because you're screwed. Don't hide from it. Own it. You want to play this "who's worse" game but then ONLY want to cherry pick years and conveniently leave out the real history. You don't get to do that. Sorry, pal. The desperate one is the guy who's leaving out all facts - you.
  21. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Madden Curse

    a 25 year old is NOT a kid. We all see what you're doing here. You don't even get an "A" for effort.
  22. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Conservative family values...

    You're f##king kidding, right? Let me remind you it was YOUR side that was against abolishing slavery. It was YOUR side that started the KKK. It was YOUR side that stood in the way, trying to prevent integration. It is YOUR side that's keeping minorities poor with your policies (just enough to get votes). The GOP can't hold a candle to that. So, yeah, feel free to split hairs and see if you can come up with something other than "he won't bake me a cake" as your example of the massive oppression the GOP is putting on you. We won't even get into how your side is now pushing Socialism, which in the last 100 years alone has oppressed (and by "oppressed", I mean killed) more people than the imaginary GOP/Conservative boogeyman you keep bringing up. Give me a f#cking break.
  23. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Conservative family values...

    Yeah, nice spin, but wrong again. Tell me who the two were that voted "NO". I'll give you 3 guesses on their political ideology.
  24. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Conservative family values...

    Uhm...no. The liberals in CO are after him again. Stay up to date. And it wasn't the "liberal government" enforcing his freedom, it was the Conservatives on the SCOTUS.
  25. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Conservative family values...

    Says the tyrant.