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Everything posted by EternalShinyAndChrome

  1. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Couple dies proving evil does not exist

    It sounds like you spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Michelle Wolfe Cancelled

    This is so awesome. Couldn't have happened to a bigger POS. However, this now means she's a great candidate to be the next head and/or face of the DNC, right? At least for the next week or so.
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Couple dies proving evil does not exist

    With you, it's like taking candy from a baby. It's so easy, even a caveman could do it. You just continue to cry to peenie about how those big, bad posters are calling you names! Maybe your momma will give you some warm milk to ease your pain.
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Couple dies proving evil does not exist

    Which is funny, since you're doing exactly the same. How many fails for you is it going to take before you see the irony of your posts?
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Kevin Spaceys new movie makes 126 dollars on opening

    OP: How much did YOUR movie make on opening day? $0? So $126 is looking pretty good then, no?
  6. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Couple dies proving evil does not exist

    Did you bother to re-read your post before you submitted it? Do you even see the irony? This should be a learning moment for you. Don't let it go to waste.
  7. EternalShinyAndChrome


    Read very carefully: DON'T........(wait for it).......Care. Revoking Brennan's creds was the right thing to do. He's a vile, lying POS. Just like his pal Hillary.
  8. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Stay Classy Libs

    Should we be surprised that a member of the party that was for Slavery, started the KKK and has kept minorities poor with their economic policies hurled a racist slur?
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Animals with the same rights as Humans

    Wow. These guys are really bucking the system.
  10. You assume a lot of stuff, You have any direct quotes from Muslims leaders saying this? Or are we supposed to just take your word for it?
  11. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Ben Shapiro offers Socialist Chick 10k to debate him....she goes apepoop

    The GOP would be smart to put this in ALL of their ads for ALL candidates from now until November. It can't be stressed enough.
  12. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Strzok, You're FIRED

    I'd say the crime of all crimes was when the mailman got busy with Sho's mom and then cursed the rest of the world when out popped Sho 7 months later.
  13. Oh, for sure. Had this been a Democrat this story never would have appeared anywhere on any site at all.
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome

    This mugshot makes me happy

    No. He's one of them "Spark of Divinity" angels that Nancy Pelosi is always talking about.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Strzok, You're FIRED

    Should have done this a year ago! Need to get rid of Page as well as a few others. And then prosecute them.
  16. EternalShinyAndChrome

    If we build the wall..

    You've provided ZERO evidence that this will "seriously damage the economy" with anything other than your opinion. How do you know? Why not just build the wall and see what happens? Like Raider said, we could just issue temporary visa's if we need the manpower.
  17. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Meg opens tonight

    y'know what else opens up tonight? YUR MOM!
  18. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Monsanto takes it on the chin

    , i gots that Roundup in my garage. Maybe I'll throw that out.
  19. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Stephen Colbert- Like or dislike?

    There would be no Colbert if it weren't for Trump. Don't find him funny. In fact, you're a lazy comedienne nowadays if Trump bashing is part of your routine day in and day you. Trump ever leaves office, Colbert will be fired shortly thereafter.
  20. You bet. Your (incorrect) assumptions are not "evidence". Your fake outrage is not "evidence".
  21. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trumps strikingly ignorant tweet about forest fire

    This? Coming from a Clinton supporter? :lol:
  22. Jesus Christ, dude. You make a lot of assumptions here just so you can label him - and everyone who doesn't think like you - a racist. The real racists is your party. From being the party of slavery, starting the KKK and even the leaks of the DNC emails showed who the real racists are. There's no blue wave coming at all, and it's your line of thinking that's going to be the reason. Didn't learn anything from yesterday at all either, I guess.
  23. WTF? You zealots keep repeating this despite ZERO evidence to back it up. Is this the "repeat it often enough and it must be true" strategy?
  24. He is. Like he always does. It's his SOP - when things don't go your way, just lie.
  25. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Representative Chris Collins (R-NY) busted for insider trading........

    Just keeps getting worse for the TDS posters. They're going to go into a Trump coma soon. Probably for the best for them....and all of us.